• Anuhya Juturi, Clements High School

  • Anuhya Juturi is a graduating senior from Clements High School. As part of her extracurricular involvement, she was incredibly active in DECA, a business organization for student leaders, where she previously served as the Texas Vice President of Outreach. Anuhya has also been trained in Indian Classical Dance for the past 13 years and was recently chosen to work with global dancers in the Indian Raga Fellowship. Through the mentorship program, Anuhya was fortunate enough to be able to work with Stacy Jacob, from the Katy Chamber of Commerce, and Brady Kirchof, from Bain & Company. Her time there provided invaluable insight into how to start and manage a successful small business from the Katy Chamber of Commerce, while at Bain she involved herself in the analytical process of problem-solving for corporate, Oil, and Gas companies. n the fall, Anuhya will be attending Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University to study Business Administration.

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