• Evy Cutshall, Kempner High School

  • Student Biography

    MaryEvyn (Evy) Cutshall is currently a senior at Kempner High School. During her high school career, Evy has served as the President of both the National Honor Society and Kempner’s Choir. Evy has been a choir member for all four years of high school and cherishes her time in the organization. This year in choir, she qualified for pre-area, state solo, and ensemble. Additionally, Evy has earned recognition for Academic Excellence every year of high school. As a part of GT Mentorship, Evy was mentored at the Houston Forensic Science Center. During this experience, Evy has fostered close relationships with her mentors. She has noted that her mentorship site felt like a “family” and allowed her to gain hands-on, professional skills in forensics. In the fall, Evy plans to matriculate at Texas A&M studying Forensics and Biology.

  • Houston Forensic Science Center

    Nicole Pettofrezzo, Lead Mentor

    Houston Forensic Science Center is an independent local government corporation that provides forensic services to the City of Houston’s law enforcement agency, the Houston Police Department. Our mission is to receive, analyze and preserve physical and digital evidence while adhering to the highest standards of quality, objectivity and ethics. We offer services in the sections of firearms, latent prints, seized drugs, forensic biology, toxicology, crime scene, and digital/multimedia evidence. Our objectives in every section are to provide quality analytical examinations, provide quality forensic investigations, meet or exceed all standards necessary to maintain accreditation, monitor and ensure the timely generation of test or investigation reports, monitor and ensure the timely generation of test or investigation reports, and to enhance the scientific capabilities of HFSC. 

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