Fort Bend Education Foundation

We impact every school in Fort Bend ISD!

FBISD exists to inspire and equip all students to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine

Brenna Cosby, Chief Executive Officer

281-634-1113 (phone)

281-634-1712 (fax)

      Profile Video

      • FBEF mission 2

      Business & Community Partner Spotlight

      • Jacobs Spotlight 2024

        We are pleased to shine the spotlight on Jacobs! A trusted partner of the Fort Bend Education Foundation over the years, Jacobs continues to be among our top donors and event sponsors! This year, the company served as title sponsor for our 10th annual Sugar Shindig. Because of their generous support, the event netted an estimated $61,000 – the second highest amount in the event’s history – to benefit our Grants to Teachers and Schools programs! We truly value our partnership with Jacobs and appreciate their generous support in assisting us in creating new standards in fundraising. 


      Grant In Action Spotlight

      • Malala Ukuleles

        Musicians are in the making at Malala Elementary School! Given a $1,486 teacher grant, the music teacher purchased 28 Makala Soprano ukuleles for students to use in music class. The students apply their knowledge of music theory while mastering the instrument. These future musicians have learned chord progression, individual notes, and performance etiquette. They have also gained show-ready confidence in performing in an ensemble. With enough practice, the students will also write their own ukulele songs through guided improvisation! 



      Platinum Transparency Seal

      • 2022 Candid Platinum Seal

        The Fort Bend Education Foundation is committed to the highest level of transparency and has once again earned the Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency! The award is the highest level of transparency awarded to nonprofit organizations for sharing detailed information, such as the organization’s mission and description, strategy and goals, financials and metrics, board demographics and more. Learn more about this esteemed designation.
