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    Fort Bend Education Foundation provides opportunities to enrich and enhance the quality of education for all Fort Bend ISD students.  We touch EVERY school in Fort Bend ISD!

    Will you be a part of Enriching Fort Bend's Future?
    Imagine the Power of your Support. . .

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    $100 = Help a kindergarten class to complete hands-on experiments and engineering activities with a STEM (Science Technology Engineer and Math) station

    $500 = Purchase mathematical manipulatives to help a class of 5th graders develop concrete understanding of math concepts.

    $1,000 = Stock a pre-kindergarten classroom with books and activity kits to promote early literacy skills

    $2,500 = Empower 6th-8th grade English Language Learning students with books that will aid in their success as readers.

    $5,000 = Equip middle school students with graphing calculators to develop equations to program graphing art designs and more

    $10,000 = Provide several campuses with equipment needed to create and tend to their own gardens, in an effort to promote healthy eating lifestyles.

    $15,000 = Provide Robots for “Homebound Education” removing barriers of distance by enabling home and hospital bound students to virtually attend class.

    $25,000 = Furnish equipment for FBISD’s new Career and Technology Center. 

    *Note: These are just a few of the ways your gift will enrich and enhance the quality of education for all students in Fort Bend ISD.

    Join the FBEF Family. . .

    ____ Visionary - $25,000

    • Select four grants to be given exclusively in your honor through our 2017-2018 Grants to Teachers and Schools program
    • Invitation to join FBEF at our grant awards ceremony
    • Featured in our sponsor spotlight on website and social media

    ____ Innovator - $15,000

    • Select three grants to be given exclusively in your honor through our 2017-2018 Grants to Teachers and Schools program
    • Invitation to join FBEF at our grant awards ceremony
    • Featured in our sponsor spotlight on website and social media

    ____ Achiever - $10,000

    • Select two grants to be given exclusively in your honor through our 2017-2018 Grants to Teachers and Schools program
    • Invitation to join FBEF at our grant awards ceremony
    • Featured in our sponsor spotlight on website and social media

     ____ Educator - $ 5,000

    • Select one grant to be given exclusively in your honor through our 2016-2017 Grants to Teachers and Schools program
    • Invitation to join FBEF at our grant awards ceremony

    ____ Steward - $2,500

    • Logo/name displayed on FBEF website

    ____ Other


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