Dear Parents/guardians,
A Registered Nurse is assigned to each elementary school campus in Fort Bend Independent School District. The school clinic is available to assist with the medical/health needs of each student. Please read the procedures and guidelines which follow:
When a student feels ill or is injured at school and needs to see the nurse, he or she must get a pass from the teacher who is sending the student to the clinic. If the student goes to the clinic between classes or during a lunch period, he/she must get a pass from a teacher on duty or his/her next period teacher (Secondary Students only) Exceptions are for sudden illness and serious injury.
The student will be signed in upon arrival to the clinic. When leaving, the student must get the signed pass back from the nurse showing the time he/she left the clinic. Students with any COVID-19 symptoms will be immediately sent to our Care room where I will assess them and follow FBISD policy.
First aid will be administered when needed. A parent/guardian will be notified if a student is unable to remain at school or if an emergency arises requiring that he/she be taken to a medical facility. If a student must be transferred to an emergency facility before you arrive, a representative from the school will remain with the student until your designated person arrives.
It is required that illness/injury occurring at home be taken care of at home and that students do not go directly to the clinic upon arrival to school.
All medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be furnished by the parent/guardian and appropriate medication administration forms must be completed by the parent/guardian. Medication must be delivered to the clinic by the parent/guardian in the original and properly labeled container and picked up by the parent/guardian. Another responsible adult, who has been designated by the parent/guardian in writing, is also authorized to pick up medication. The nurse and/or clinic assistant will administer all medications in the clinic with the exception of students who are required by their physician to carry emergency medications with them at all times including asthma inhalers or auto injectable epinephrine. In those situations, the doctor must provide written order to the school on the Fort Bend ISD approved order forms.
Medication administration requests for prescription medication or medication given greater than 15 school days must have the signature/directions of the physician. For prescription medications that are left at school, a second labeled container can be obtained from your pharmacy. When medication is discontinued, it must be picked up by the parent/guardian.
Returning to school after illness or injury
When returning to school after an absence, the student must bring a note from the parent/guardian explaining the absence. Students who must show a physician’s release to re-enter school must take the completed form to the school nurse before going to class.
Temporary Disabilities
Any student who needs assistance with getting around the campus must bring a note from the parent/guardian or a physician’s statement describing ability/modifications needed and for how long. Five minute passes may be issued to assist injured/disabled students in crowded hallways. Physical education/recess exemptions will be given at the parent’s request for one week only when indicated. PE/recess exemptions for periods longer than a week require a M.D. note.
The FBISD school health coordinator, Maria Johnson, will be recording a presentation regarding COVID-19 campus policies and procedures. These policies and procedures will be district wide. It will be shared with parents as soon as it is made available!
*** If you have specific concerns about your child and any health conditions they have, I would love to speak with you regarding them. Never hesitate to call or email me with questions. If your child will require medication during the school day (scheduled or as needed), please call or email me to set up a time to drop off the medication.
Please save the clinic numbers in your phones so you will know when the clinic is trying to reach you regarding your child!
Nurse Shellhamer 281-634-3686
Clinic Aide, Mrs. Daniela Barrow 281-634-3678
Attendance Notes
Was your student absent? Do you need to submit their excuse note? Do you have any questions regarding attendance? Please click here to send the note or your inquiry electronically:
Upcoming Events
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM All Pro Dads
3:25 PM - 4:25 PM 4th Grade Choir
February 26, 2025
3:25 PM - 4:25 PM Coding and Robotics
February 27, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 10, 2025
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