Welcome to the Sienna Crossing chapter of National Elementary Honor Society!! Thank you for stopping by our page to learn more about our organization and how we’re developing amazing leaders!
Welcome to National Elementary Honor Society
The National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) was established in 2008 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals in cooperation with the National Association of Elementary School Principals to recognize elementary students in both public and non-public elementary schools for their outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated personal responsibility, to provide meaningful service to the school and community, and to develop essential leadership skills in the students of elementary schools.
The Sienna Crossing Elementary chapter was established on November 9, 2018. SCE NEHS is a student organization for 5th grade students.
Selection Criteria and Process
Candidacy. As the first step in the process, the grades you have earned in recent years are reviewed to determine who is eligible for membership. Those students whose grade averages meet the criteria are known as Candidates.
Collecting Candidate Information. Once you have been identified as a Candidate for membership, you will be asked to complete the NEHS Candidate’s Form. This form outlines your accomplishments in the areas of Responsibility, Service, and Leadership. The student and parents will be asked to sign these forms, indicating that the content is complete and accurate.
Teacher Input. The teachers who have taught you will be asked to provide information about you to the selection committee. They may be asked to evaluate your character, citizenship, leadership, and how responsible you have been in class and in other school activities.
Service Projects
NEHS does various service projects throughout the school year. The SCE NEHS will decide in the Fall which service projects we will complete.
LaTonya Land