District Planning Advisory Council (DPAC)


    The DPAC provides input related to the District Strategic Plan (DSP), District Improvement Plan (DIP), and major District-wide classroom instructional programs in alignment with the District’s Mission, Vision, and Goals. The DPAC also reviews the District Strategic Plan (DSP) and how the DIP supports and aligns to the DSP. In addition to its advisory role, DPAC approves professional development of a District-wide nature recommended by District.   


    Duties of the Council 

    • The Council shall be informed about the Community-Based Accountability System (CBAS) including, but not limited to truth-telling, the feedback loop and signaling of progress. 

    • The Council shall provide input in the development of the DIP including the performance objectives and metrics and milestones to achieve the District goals. 

    • The Council shall review the DSP, including strategic actions, milestones, and information about how the DIP supports and aligns to the DSP. 

    • The Council shall provide input related to major District-wide classroom instructional programs in alignment with the District’s Mission, Vision, and Goals. 

    • The Council shall approve professional development of a District-wide nature recommended by District Administration. 



    The council is comprised of campus and District level professional staff, parents of FBISD students, and community and business representatives. Student ambassadors will be invited to attend select meeting where student feedback is needed. A minimum of two thirds of the professional staff will be classroom teachers. 

Parent Representatives




    • Parent representatives are required to have a child enrolled in the District throughout their term.  

    • Employees of the District may not serve as parent representatives.  



    One parent will be selected by lottery per feeder pattern from the eligible parent applications received during the nomination window. Parent from all levels, elementary, middle, and high schools aged students will be represented.  


    Additionally, if all groups below are not represented in the lottery results, additional names may be drawn to ensure representation in the group: 

    • Title I Parent Advisory Committee 

    • Special education programs 

    • Bilingual/ESL programs 

    • Gifted and talented programs 



    All interested parents should apply on the Central Application for FBISD Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities.  Here is the link for the website Central Application.   


Business and Community Representatives


    • A business representative is defined as anyone representing a business who has a regular and supportive relationship with the District 

    • The inclusion of a business member is without regard to whether the representative resides in the District or whether the business is located in the District 

    • A business representative may not be a parent of a current FBISD student.  

    • As a means of ensuring participation that represents the District’s diversity, business members shall reflect business and community involvement from District committees, standing meeting groups or have partnered with campus and/or District departments.  



    The Deputy Superintendent or designee shall select three business representatives. 


    All interested parents should apply on the Central Application for FBISD Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities.  Here is the link for the website Central Application.



    Community Representative Eligibility: 

    Community members must reside in Fort Bend ISD and must be at least 18 years of age. A community representative may not be a parent of a current FBISD student. As a means of ensuring participation that represents the District’s diversity, community members shall reflect business and community involvement from District committees and standing meeting groups.  



    The Deputy Superintendent or designee shall select the community representatives as follows: 

    1. Three members from the District volunteer program; and   

    1. Two members from the Fort Bend Education Foundation (FBEF) or another 501c (3) nonprofit organization that partners with the District.    


    All interested parents should apply on the Central Application for FBISD Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities.  Here is the link for the website Central Application.  


    Community Representative Eligibility: 

    Community members must reside in Fort Bend ISD and must be at least 18 years of age. A community representative may not be a parent of a current FBISD student. As a means of ensuring participation that represents the District’s diversity, community members shall reflect business and community involvement from District committees and standing meeting groups.  



    The Deputy Superintendent or designee shall select the community representatives as follows: 

    1. Three members from the District volunteer program; and   

    1. Two members from the Fort Bend Education Foundation (FBEF) or another 501c (3) nonprofit organization that partners with the District.    


    All interested parents should apply on the Central Application for FBISD Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities.  Here is the link for the website Central Application.  


Certified Campus and District Level Professionals

  • Certified classroom teacher representatives shall comprise at least two-thirds of the total professional staff representation on the Council. Campus level and district level certified staff will also be represented on the DPAC. 



    1. 1. Professional staff representatives of the Council shall be full-time employees of the District. 

    1. 2. Professional staff representatives of the Council shall have a minimum of two years teaching experience and shall have completed at least one full year of full-time employment in the District prior to serving as a representative. 



    Two classroom teachers will be elected per feeder pattern representing primary and secondary grades. Primary teachers will teach early childhood or elementary (PK-5). Secondary teachers will teach middle or high school (6-12). In addition to classroom teacher representation, there will be a District-wide election for the positions listed below. Additionally, two district level professionals will be elected.



    Staff application can be found at this link and needs to be submitted by October 18, 2024. 


    The District-wide positions will have a two-step appointment processThe election results will be used to award positions except in cases where a feeder pattern has more than one winner, another candidate with the next highest votes from a different and non-represented feeder pattern in this set of positions will be selected provided there are candidates remaining from unrepresented feeder patterns. 


    Feeder Pattern Election


    District Wide Election 

    Classroom Teacher (Total – 22) 
    Campus Administrator
    (Total - 3) 
    (Total - 3) 
    Non-classroom teacher (1 from a job role below) 
    Classroom Teacher from defined areas*
    (Total - 7) 

    (P) Primary PK-5

    (S) Secondary 6-12 

    Primary (1 per feeder pattern) 
    Elementary (1) 
    Elementary (1) 
    Teacher, Bilingual/ESL (P) 
    Secondary (1 per feeder pattern) 
    Middle School (1) 
    Middle School (1) 
    Instructional Coach 
    Teacher, Gifted and Talented (P) 
    High School (1) 
    High School (1) 
    Teacher, PE/Health (S) 
    Teacher, CTE (S) 
    Teacher, Fine Arts (S) 
    Teacher, Special Education (Any level) 

    *Defined areas for District-wide election of classroom teachers have been selected to ensure representation of special populations or content areas with significant after school programming.  

Student Ambassadors

  • Student ambassadors will be invited to participate at meeting where student feedback is needed.  



    Students will be enrolled as a freshman, sophomore or junior when placed on the committee. 



    Students will be selected by lottery based on nominations received from campus principal. 


    Representatives will serve a two-year staggered term provided they continue to meet the criteria of the area represented. As this is the first year of the committee, staff will be randomly assigned one year and two-year terms to maintain staggered terms moving forward. 


    Timeline for Staff 

    October 10, 2023 – Applications Due   
    October 20, 2023  – DPAC Members Notified   
    October 23, 2023 – First Meeting 4:30 – 6:00 pm @ Reese Center Room D-124 

    November 29, 2023 Second Meeting 4:30-6 PM @ FBISD Administration Building – Board Room 



    Feeder Pattern  

    For DPAC purposes, each campus belongs to only one specific feeder pattern, even those campuses that feed into more than one high school and/or middle school.   


    DPAC Representation Areas by Feeder Pattern 



    Austin HS 

    Garcia MS 

    Sartartia MS 

    Brazos Bend ES 

    Malala ES 

    Osyter Creek ES 

    Walker Station ES 



    Bush HS 

    Crockett MS 

    Hodges Bend MS 

    Holley ES 

    Jordan ES 

    Mission Bend ES 

    Mission Glen ES 

    Mission West ES 

    Patterson ES 

    Seguin ES 



    Clements HS 

    Fort Settlement MS 

    Colony Bend ES 

    Colony Meadows ES 

    Commonwealth ES  

    Cornerstone ES 

    Settlers Way ES 



    Crawford HS 

    Heritage Rose ES 

    Ferguson ES 


    Kempner HS 

    Sugar Land MS 

    Drabek ES 

    Fleming ES 

    Lakeview ES 

    Sugar Mill ES 

    Townewest ES 


    Dulles HS 

    Dulles MS 

    Barrington Place ES 

    Dulles ES 

    Highland ES 

    Lexington Creek ES 

    Meadows ES 



    Elkins HS 

    First Colony MS 

    Quail Valley MS 

    Austin Parkway ES 

    Bhuchar ES 

    Lantern Lane ES 

    Quail Valley ES 

    Sullivan ES 



    Hightower HS 

    Lake Olympia MS 

    Burton ES 

    Goodman ES 

    Palmer ES 

    Parks ES 


    Kempner HS 

    Sugar Land MS 

    Drabek ES 

    Fleming ES 

    Lakeview ES 

    Sugar Mill ES 

    Townewest ES 


    Marshall HS 

    Missouri City MS 

    Armstrong ES 

    Glover ES 

    Hunters Glen ES 

    Jones ES  



    Ridge Point HS 

    Baines MS 

    Thornton MS 

    Leonetti ES 

    Scanlan Oaks ES 

    Schiff ES 

    Sienna Crossing ES 



    Travis HS 

    Bowie MS 

    Madden ES 

    Neill ES 

    Oakland ES 

    Pecan Grove ES 



    Willowride HS 

    McAuliffe MS 

    Blue Ridge ES 

    Briargate ES 

    Ridgegate ES 

    Ridgemont ES