Behavioral Health & Wellness
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School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
SHAC Mission
The FBISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) was established by the Board of Trustees to assist the District in meeting its strategic objectives to provide healthy school environments for students, staff and community members and to teach and promote wellness through healthy lifestyles. The School Health Advisory Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees.
A School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a school board appointed advisory group of individuals who represent different segments of the community. By law, a majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. The FBISD SHAC is made up of parents, community members and district employees working together to improve the health of all students and families through coordinated school health programs.FBISD SHAC Vision
The FBISD SHAC shall use the Whole School, Whole Child, Whole Community (WSCC) model, the Board of Trustee Goals and the Fort Bend ISD Profile of a Graduate attributes to support the FBISD District community for the purpose(s) of effectively implementing the District Wellness Policy - FFA (Local), while promoting evidence-based wellness resources that encourage and foster lifelong wellness of staff, students and the community.
Virtual Healthy Schools (VHS)
Virtual Healthy Schools (VHS) - Students spend about 8 hours a day in school, making the school setting an ideal place to teach and model healthy behaviors. The FBISD SHAC VHS provides examples of what a healthy school looks like and how to implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model to create a healthier school.
The Virtual Health School is an online, interactive collection of resources that provides health and wellness program information and resources to help make schools healthier. While the Virtual Healthy School’s major themes are nutrition, physical education, physical activity, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL), the VHS has many resources to support the 10 components of the WSCC model incorporated into the entire school.
The District Student Wellness Coalition
The District Student Wellness Coalition is an extension of the School Health Advisory Committee run by students to promote health and wellness on each of the district's high school campuses. Students grades 9-12 have the opportunity to be part of their campus's student wellness committee (SWC), which selects 5-10 representatives to be part of the district-level coalition.
The District Student Wellness Coalition exists to support the fidelity of campus student wellness committees, provide a space for cross-campus collaboration, and create a venue for students to elevate the most pressing wellness concerns.
To join, first please complete this Student Wellness Coalition form, and your campus sponsor will contact you with more information.
Click here for campus sponsor contact information (coming soon)
Wellness Policy - FFA (LOCAL)
The Fort Bend ISD wellness policy exists to develop a culture where students can reach their full potential in a climate that promotes students’ learning, leadership and well-being. Students shall be inspired and equipped with skills to make healthy life choices about nutrition, health, and physical activity during their years in Fort Bend ISD and throughout their lives.
FBISD Wellness Policy- Revised and Approved by the FBISD Board of Trustees on December, 2024
Contact Us
Catalina Flores-RauFBISD SHAC ChairLori SartainDirector Behavioral Health & Wellness281-634-1132Responsible for the oversight of the Wellness Policy and implementation of the FBISD Wellness PlanFollow SHAC on Twitter @FBISD_SHAC
SHAC Information
FBISD SHAC Legislative Priorities 2023
Wellness Plan Triennial Assessment
2023-24 SHAC End of Year Report
PRIDE - District Executive Summary Data
Become A SHAC Member
2024-25 SHAC Parent Application
Health & Wellness District Grants Guide