• Sophia Pineda,


    High School


  • Photo of Sophia


    Sophia attends Kempner High School and is involved with tennis, Student Council, the National Honor Society, and the Science National Honor Society. Outside of school, she enjoys volunteering with the Fort Bend Teen Service League, as well as tutoring in math and being mentored through the Built By Girls WAVE Program. Sophia has received awards such as National Hispanic Scholar and AP Scholar with Distinction. Throughout her mentorship with NITCO, she has been able to get hands-on experience in writing the code for web applications from both the front end and back end points of view, giving her valuable insight into the software industry. She plans to major in either Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to hopefully pursue a career in technology.  

    "Keep Calm and Carry On."

  • Mentor

    Michael Hunt

    Nitco Logo

    NITCO Inc. is a technology services company that accelerates digital automation with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Robotic Process Automation. In addition, the company has highly skilled staff serving our clients in Integration Technologies, Data Analytics, Cloud Integration Services, and various IT Consulting services.


    Project Abstract


    In all web applications, data is created, read, updated, and deleted, and in the models of today, the way this data is stored is representative of a time without computers. In the past, paperwork was stored in file cabinets and those file cabinets were put into warehouses. Today, data that "persists" or stays after your web page is refreshed is stored in your computer's hard drive, and the information stored here is representative of what gets stored in warehouses. Overtime, technology progressed and data was locked into databases, and if we know that our data, stored in our hard drive, is the information stored in a warehouse, then a database of today too represents the warehouses of the past. 

    In this project, a To-Do web application was created to not only represent the paperwork to warehouse idea but also the idea that data is created, read, updated, and deleted. In order to do so, different functions in my code representing each of these aspects were created. The application has the ability to add, edit, save, and delete a "to-do" and the data or information regarding a to-do will "persist" or still show up on the webpage after the page is refreshed, covering both aspects previously mentioned.