• Enrichment Opportunities


    Tweens Read  October 18-23: Geared toward students in grades 5-8, Tweens Read offers sreaders the opportunity to meet and listen to a panel of their favorite authors and illustrators.  Go to the Tweens Read Website for all of the information about this event!

    Sugar Packets: This is like Groupon for the Sugar Land area!  The City of Sugar Land offers package discounts for many attractions in the area, including discount museum passes, George Ranch Historical Park, the Fort Bend Museum, and more!  Visit the website to learn more about Sugar Packets

    Take Care of Texas hosts a variety of annual contests for grades K-12 throughout the year, including Presidential Environmental Youth Award, Recycle Bowl, Solar Car Challenge, Texas Garden Clubs, eCYBERMISSION, Texas Envirothon, and Don't Mess With Texas Scholarships.

    Bookworm Festival: February 1-5, 2022 (virtual event)  The Bookworm Festival is a fun event that celebrates emerging readers and those who write and illustrate for them!