Gifted and Talented
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Elementary Extended Learning for Gifted Learners
The following resources have been reviewed as of the time of posting. FBISD is not responsible for enhanced features that may include cost, user accounts, and/or scope of the content that may be included. Parents should preview and monitor student's use.
Brief Introduction/Explanation
Basho and Friends make learning Spanish fun, engaging, and easy for all learners. These quality, fun resources are designed to meet your specific needs, and are ready at hand (online or offline) whenever you need them
Breakout EDU brings the challenges of an escape room through online games.
Jarrett Lerner is the author of various graphic novels. He has provided various activities including designing your own comic strips, creating your own characters, and even complete a comic strip he has started. Just download, print, and create!
This free curriculum website provides lesson plans and web links for the humanities, including: arts and culture; literature and language arts; foreign languages; and, history and social studies.
This website was contributed by a member of a science club who was researching a career in STEM and came across our list of resources. She feels it has valuable games and projects for others.
EGFI is sponsored by American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The website has numerous lessons that can be done offline that strengthens their understanding of the engineering process.
A sweet garden of visuals for Nat Banting to kick start discourse with Fraction-Geometry-Algebraic Thinking connections out the WAH-ZOO!
In essence, numberless word problems are designed to provide scaffolding that allows students the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the underlying structure of word problems. This page is a collection of resources to help you learn about numberless word problems and help you start using and creating them!
Broken down by grade level and specific skill, open middle features a series of equations with missing numbers. Students solve them using their critical thinking, number sense, and math concept knowledge. Even better – printable number tiles so students can create their own bogglers for friends and family!
SET, Quiddler, and Karma DAILY online games to challenge the whole family. Tutorial videos on how to play are super easy to understand to get started quickly! Perfect for a morning warm-up of the brain!
TED-Ed Student Talks TED-Ed Student Talks are short informative videos. Many of the TED Students Talks answer popular questions that students ask. Each video includes questions to discuss and considerations for thinking deeper. It would fun to watch together and discuss. Todd Stanley Projects and Enrichments Todd Stanley provides a series of fun and engaging resources for free! The projects and activities are for a wide variety of students and provide exciting learning opportunities designed to extend student thinking.
The twist on this classic visual task is that an argument can be made for ANY answer. Use the online puzzles to get the hang of it, then have your children create their own grids with items from around the house, on a nature walk, from magazine pictures, or by using a camera and PicCollage.
Wonderopolis provides over 2000 different “wonderings” that students can explore and discover through inquiry. Students can search by content or choose a topic of interest.