Gifted and Talented
Page Navigation
- Gifted and Talented Home
- GT Calendar
- Referral and Identification
- Contacts
- FBISD GT Programming
- Parent Advisory Committee (GTPAC)
- News
- GT Middle School Academy
- GT Mentorship
Family Series
- 2024 Winter Challenge - Design Construct Create!
- Winter 2022 Challenge: It's Cold Outside
- Fall 2022 Challenge: The World Around Us
- Spring Imagine Innovate and Invent
- February "I Robot" Challenge
- December A Moment in Time
- November Design on a Dime
- October Game Night
- GT Night at the Museum
- GT Night Under the Stars
- Little Strategies to Cope with Big Emotions
- Family Series Challenge "Spring to Life"
- Supplemental Resources
- GT Summer Camp
Defining Giftedness and the Educational Needs of the Gifted
In alignment with the state of Texas' definition of giftedness, Fort Bend ISD defines gifted students as those who perform at or show the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment.
These students require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential. Being identified as gifted and talented is not an award or achievement; rather, students receiving gifted and talented services
• come from all racial, ethnic, and cultural populations, as well as all economic strata.
• require access to appropriate learning opportunities to realize their potential.
• can have learning and processing differences that require specialized intervention and accommodation (twice exceptional).
• may require additional support and guidance to develop socially and emotionally as well as in their areas of talent.
• require varied services based on their changing needs.
Adapted from NACG Position Statement, published July 2019.