Gifted and Talented
Page Navigation
- Gifted and Talented Home
- GT Calendar
- Referral and Identification
- Contacts
- FBISD GT Programming
- Parent Advisory Committee (GTPAC)
- News
- GT Middle School Academy
- GT Mentorship
Family Series
- 2024 Winter Challenge - Design Construct Create!
- Winter 2022 Challenge: It's Cold Outside
- Fall 2022 Challenge: The World Around Us
- Spring Imagine Innovate and Invent
- February "I Robot" Challenge
- December A Moment in Time
- November Design on a Dime
- October Game Night
- GT Night at the Museum
- GT Night Under the Stars
- Little Strategies to Cope with Big Emotions
- Family Series Challenge "Spring to Life"
- Supplemental Resources
- GT Summer Camp
Students eligible for fall evaluation
- Currently enrolled FBISD students in grades K-11.
- Students who are not identified for gifted and talented services in FBISD in any content area.
- The online referral window will be available beginning August 8, 2024, on the GT Home Page.
- To submit a referral, the parent/guardian must use the online referral app. Use this link to access the GT Online Referral App.
- Referrals must be submitted online by the September 30, 2024 deadline. Exceptions will not be made.
- Parent/guardian must consent to have the student tested if a staff member referred the student (parent/guardian will be contacted by the campus GT Counselor).
- The cognitive abilities test used is the CogAT. Subtests administered are Non-Verbal, Verbal, and Quantitative.
- The testing window is October 30-November 8, 2024 (for all grades except 2nd - please see the 2nd grade Cognitive Abilities Testing page for more information).
- Students test during school hours.
- Teachers must complete a School Rating Scale in the GT App for referred students.
- Parents are asked to complete a Home GT Behavior Observation Form in the GT App as part of the referral or consent to test process.
Identification Process
- Assessment scores, School Rating Scale, and Home GT Behavior Observation Form scores are plotted on the Gifted and Talented Identification Profile.
- The District Selection Committee convenes to review results and verify accurate student profiles.
- All student profiles are verified by District GT staff.
- Students who are identified typically meet the following criteria:
- Non-Verbal test score in gifted/high ability range AND;
- Verbal OR Quantitative score in gifted/high ability range.
- Rating scales do not keep students from being identified.
- Rating scales serve the purpose of providing additional information for students with at least one test score in range.
- All members of the District Selection Committee have been trained in gifted education and specifically in identifying students' needs for the education services provided by the FBISD GT Program.
- Students are identified for services in specific content areas: English Language Arts and Social Studies and/or Math and Science.
- Parents are notified in writing of the District Selection Committee's decision.
- Notification e-mails for students in grades K-12 will be sent on or before February 10, 2025.
- Parents are advised of their right to appeal the District Identification Committee's decision and the process for requesting an appeal.
- Parents must appeal within ten school days of the sending of the notification e-mail.
- Appeals meetings take place online, and the parent is invited to attend and speak to the committee.
- The District Appeal Committee responds with its decision in writing within ten school days of the meeting.