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Early Intervention Academy
The Fort Bend ISD Early Intervention Academy is located at Quail Valley Elementary School, 3500 Quail Village Dr. Sugar Land, Texas 77459
School Hours For the 2024-2025 School Year
8:05 a.m. – 3:25 p.m.
School Calendar
The Early Childhood Intervention Academy first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year is August 8, 2024. During the school year, students enrolled in the EIA will follow the traditional school calendar from August to May. Students in the EIA will attend an additional 23 school days during June and July. School hours for summer are 8:10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
For the 2024-25 school year, the Academy is accepting students who are:
- Age three on or before September 1, 2024
- Age four on or before September 1, 2024
Early Intervention Academy 2024-2025 Application
The EIA provides an application-based process for students eligible to attend school in Fort Bend ISD. The program is designed for students who meet the TEA special education eligibility criteria of:
- Autism or Non-Categorical Early Childhood for suspected Autism
- Intellectual Disability
- Consideration of students who do not meet these criteria will be considered, assuming all other application criteria are met.
Acceptance is based on all application criteria being met and verification of evaluation or diagnosis.
FBISD Early Intervention Academy Application for Students with Disabilities 2024-2025 - English
FBISD Early Intervention Academy Application for Students without Disabilities 2024-2025 - English
FBISD Early Intervention Academy Application for Students with Disabilities 2024-2025 - Spanish
FBISD Early Intervention Academy Application for Students without Disabilities 2024-2025 - Spanish
Goals for the Early Intervention Academy
The goals of the Early Intervention Academy program are to:
- increase access to a blend of educational and therapy services within the context of a developmentally appropriate curriculum;
- provide family-centered and wrap-around services designed to meet the individualized needs of the children and build capacity within the family unit;
- prepare students with the skills necessary to integrate into an inclusive environment when they complete the program and attend their neighborhood elementary school.
High Expectations for Results
The expectation for the Early Intervention Academy (EIA) is to redefine early intervention services by providing individualized educational services, 12 months a year, in which the child is engaged in systematically planned, developmentally-appropriate educational activities targeted toward identified objectives.
Program Areas of Focus
- Full day preschool program with non-disabled, age-appropriate role models following early childhood educational philosophy
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) intervention up to 20 hours per week, with BCBA supervision, embedded within the instructional day
- Structured, explicit social skills delivery model
- Additional therapy services provided within the context of the educational environment using an integrated approach (Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy).
- Extended School Year
- Extended School Day (supplemental full-day programming as opposed to traditional half day PPCD/PK programming)
- Family Outreach, Training and Coaching
- Ongoing program evaluation and progress monitoring to determine need for adjustments in programming
Parents of Students enrolled in the Early Intervention Academy agree and acknowledge that:
(1) Fort Bend ISD has offered and afforded their Student a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”), in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and its implementing federal and state law and regulations, as set forth in the Student's current ARD/IEP and Prior Written Notice at the time of the Student's application to the Early Intervention Academy;
(2) enrollment of their Student at the Early Childhood Intervention Academy, considered a school of choice, is voluntary and initiated at Parent request with the express understanding and agreement that the program may or may not incorporate all elements of the special education program previously designed for the Student by their ARD committee and intended to be implemented in the least restrictive environment determined appropriate by the ARD committee;
(3) withdrawal from the early Intervention Academy in favor of the program offered on the Student's home campus or prior centralized educational placement may therefore be initiated by the Parent at any time; and
(4) their Student's enrollment at the Early Intervention Academy is in no way to be construed as an express or implied admission by the District of a violation of the District’s obligation to provide FAPE to their Student.
For questions about the Early Child Intervention Academy, please contact Kara Hallenberger, Early Intervention Academy Program Manager, at 281-634-9836, or send an email to EarlyInterventionAcademy@fortbendisd.gov.