Special Education
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- Department Home
- Child Find
- Special Education Referral
- Independent Education Evaluations (IEEs)
- Procedural Safeguards
- Types of Disabilities
- ARD Process
- Programs & Support Services
- Early Intervention Academy
- Regional Day School for the Deaf
- Special Education Administrative Procedures
- Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)
- Special Olympics
- Transition Services
- Video Surveillance of Special Education Settings Procedures and Request Information
- Educator, Parent, and Community Resources
- Structured Therapeutic Educational Program (STEP)
- Program Contact
- Parent Learning Opportunities
- Delayed/Denied Evaluations and Compensatory Services
- Special Education Teaching Opportunities
Special Education Teaching Opportunities
Join FBISD as a Special Education Teacher
Fort Bend ISD provides a continuum of special education services and placement options for students with disabilities in order to meet their individual needs.
We are seeking experienced educators who are passionate about supporting students and ready to join our district’s mission of inspiring and equipping all students for futures beyond what they can imagine.
This webpage provides an overview of Fort Bend ISD’s full-day services in a special education setting, including certification requirements and the stipends available.
Early Childhood Services
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) - $1,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) includes a range of services available for children who are ages 3-5 and qualify for special education services. ECSE provides early special education intervention to students focusing on developing cognitive, social-emotional, language, communication, and physical skills, with the goal of children being educated in the most inclusive setting possible to learn skills that they can utilize as they transition through school and into adulthood. ECSE is implemented at various elementary campuses throughout the district or at the Early Intervention Academy (EIA).
- EC-3, EC-4 or EC-6
- Special Education
Early Intervention Academy (EIA) - $1,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The Early Intervention Academy (EIA) is a full-day, application-based preschool program for students with disabilities along with non-disabled, age-appropriate peers following the early childhood educational philosophy. The EIA offers a variety of therapy services that are embedded within the instructional day and within the context of the educational environment using an integrated approach. These therapy services include Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Music Therapy. The EIA school year includes 199 instructional days and is intended to prepare students with the skills necessary to integrate into an inclusive environment when they attend their neighborhood elementary school for kindergarten.
- EC-3, EC-4 or EC-6
- Special Education
K-12 Services
Academic, Behavior, and Communication (ABC) - $2,000 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: ABC provides educational services for students in kindergarten through 8th grade who require a highly structured and consistent environment and schedule. Students receiving ABC services typically demonstrate significant, repetitive, stereotypical and/or challenging behaviors, such as aggression towards others, self, and/or the environment. Learners in the ABC program typically have little to no functional communication skills and often require alternate modes of communication.The program offers visual/physical structure and instruction in “ready to learn” behavioral skills to its learners. ABC students require intensive instruction in independence, self-help, functional communication, social interactions, and academics based on pre-requisite skills aligned with grade level TEKS.
- EC - 6
- Special Education
Behavior Support Services (BSS) - $2,000 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Behavior Support Services (BSS) is designed to serve students receiving special education services that have varied academic skills but present with significant behavioral challenges that impede their ability to be successful in the general education setting. Their behavior is driven by an emotional imbalance as opposed to a functional communication or cognitive need. Students may engage in acts of physical aggression towards staff, peers, and/or their environment. Staff are trained to de-escalate, redirect, and support such behavior via an evidenced-based crisis prevention intervention program. BSS seeks to provide students with robust systems of academic, behavior, social and emotional supports that are individualized to meet the students’ specific needs. The continuum of services provided is designed for students who can participate in group-interactive role-play and conversational social skills lessons. Students can then demonstrate their acquired coping and self-regulation skills across settings, and thereby achieve success in the least restrictive educational environment.
- EC-6
- Special Education
Middle School
- Generalist 4-8
- Special Education
High School
- One Content Area
- Special Education
Co-Teach/In-class Support - $1,500 STIPEND
Co-teach: The Co-Teach instructional service delivery model consists of two certified teachers (one general education and one special education) in which both teachers plan and share instruction. This is accomplished using a variety of co-teach models (i.e., stations, parallel, team, etc.), to capitalize on the curricular expertise of the general education teacher and the specialized instruction expertise of the special education teacher, to address the unique needs of all students.
In-Class Support: In-class support is a service delivery model that is a collaboration between general education teachers and special education staff to ensure students receiving special education services can progress through the enrolled grade level curriculum. The general education teacher is the teacher of record and is responsible for delivering instruction. The general education and special education staff collectively work together to ensure accommodations, modifications, and supports are implemented.
All levels
- Special Education
Communication Language and Social Skills (CLaSS) Services - $1,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: CLaSS provides social and/or behavioral services for students in kindergarten through 12th grade who can function academically in the general education or resource setting but require social or behavioral supports in order to facilitate the development of socially appropriate behaviors. CLASS students generally receive their instruction for core content in the general education or resource settings, in addition to 30-60 minutes of direct daily social skills instructions with peers.
CLASS staff provide instruction to meet social and behavioral needs in both the CLASS and general education setting, throughout the day, as needed. CLASS staff provide the students with visual supports and strategies that focus on inclusion to the maximum extent appropriate. Students receiving services through the CLASS program can utilize the CLASS environment to self-regulate and work on coping skills in a safe environment.
All levels:
- Special Education
Communication Language and Social Skills Plus (CLaSS Plus) $2,000 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: CLaSS Plus provides the same social and/or behavioral services and supports as CLASS. These students can perform academically in a general education and/or resource setting but exhibit social and emotional challenges that prevent them from participating in the lesser restrictive setting. CLASS Plus students will generally receive academic instruction within the CLASS Plus classroom - a more structured, self-contained Special Education setting that require social or behavioral support in order to facilitate the development of socially appropriate behaviors. The CLASS Plus program focuses on increasing independence, social interaction skills, self-regulation, and pro-social behaviors. As students become more independent of these skills, they move out into a less restrictive environment, with the goal to transition into the CLaSS program.
- EC-6
- Special Education
Middle School
- Generalist 4-8
- Special Education
High School
- One Content Area
- Special Education
Functional Living and School Health (FLaSH) - $1,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Functional Living and School Health Services generally serves students with significant physical and/or cognitive disabilities requiring school health services. Often, students are medically fragile and school health services require the support of trained medical staff. Students require full assistance to care for their daily needs. The focus of instruction is visual and auditory stimulation, motor skills development, assistive technology, interaction with others and, if possible, communication skills.
All levels
- EC-6
- Special Education
Resource - $1,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The Resource service delivery model provides direct instruction to students receiving special education services who are multiple grade levels behind their enrolled grade level and struggle with making progress in the curriculum in the general education setting. Resource provides opportunities for students to access and make progress in the general education curriculum using significant accommodations and modifications which have not been successful when provided in the general education classroom.
- EC-6
- Special Education
Middle School
- Generalist 4-8, or Math or ELA 4-8, based on assignment
- Special Education
High School
- One Content Area (Math or ELA, based on assignment)
- Special Education
Succeeding in Academic and Independent Living Skills (SAILS) - $1,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: SAILS generally serves students with significant cognitive disabilities who require a curriculum focusing on (1) academic instruction based on prerequisite skills that are aligned to grade level TEKS, (2) communication/social skills, (3) independent living skills, and (4) vocational instruction at the high school level. It should be noted that diagnosis/disability does not drive the programming decision, and the ARD committee ultimately determines placement.
All levels
- EC-6
- Special Education
Other Specialized Programs
Adult Transition Services (ATS) - $1,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The Adult Transition Services (ATS) program’s goal is to serve young adults with disabilities as they transition from public school to adult life in the areas of post-secondary education, employment, and independent living. ATS and Transition teachers work in conjunction with the Texas Workforce Commission to provide students with real-life work experiences by partnering with local businesses in the community, while having the support of the local school system. The goal is to help young adults make a successful transition from school to adult life through employment training and learning independent living skills. Locations can include community based vocational instruction sites, paid employment sites, post-secondary education options, community sites such as grocery stores, and adult agencies. Community sites for recreation/leisure are included in the transition programming options for ATS students. Young adults ages 18-22, living with disabilities, who are enrolled in Fort Bend ISD are eligible to apply for the program.
- Special Education
Brazoria - Fort Bend Regional Day School Program for the Deaf - $1,500 STIPEND +$5,000 SIGN-ON BONUS available
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Fort Bend ISD has the responsibility of providing each student receiving special education services with a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). For students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH), a continuum of services is provided. Service for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Fort Bend ISD, and ten other area school districts, are provided through a shared services agreement with the Brazoria-Fort Bend Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (Brazoria-Fort Bend RDSPD).
The RDSPD provides specially designed instructional services to meet the individual needs of all DHH students in a variety of ways: Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services, site-based classes in the public-school setting, and an itinerant program for students who are instructed on their home campus. Development of audition, speech, language, and communication skills are emphasized throughout the program.
It should be noted that eligibility does not drive the programming decision, and the ARD Committee determines placement.
- EC-6 (including STR)
- Teacher of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired Certification
- TASC for signing positions
Middle School
- Generalist 4-8
- Teacher of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired Certification
- TASC for signing positions
High School
- One Content Area (grades 9-12)
- Teacher of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired Certification
- TASC for signing positions
- Teacher of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired Certification
- TASC preferred
Structured Therapeutic Education Program (STEP) - $3,500 STIPEND
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: STEP (Structured Therapeutic Education Program) is a full day self-contained centralized behavior program in Fort Bend ISD that provides a structured therapeutic environment while supporting students in academics, social/emotional, and behavior interventions.
STEP is designed to serve special education students who have not been successful in a specialized support service classroom due to continuous, acute aggressive behaviors. Additionally, STEP services students transitioning back to the district from an out of district placement; and elementary general education and 504 students that have been referred for special education testing (Child Find) that need additional behavioral support during the evaluation period.
- Valid Teaching Certification appropriate for subject and grade level of assignment
- Special Education