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Applications for Summer O-LAB and External Providers can be found in Family Access Under Online Forms
2025 Summer O-LAB
June 9 - July 24
Fort Bend ISD's summer online learning opportunities are available to incoming 9th-12th grade students through their high school campus. Each high school campus will manage student participation based on the program parameters that have been provided by the FBISD Teaching and Learning Department. Check your high school website or contact your counselor for more information.
(click the option below)
In-District Summer O-LAB
In-District Summer O-LAB Courses
Audience: Incoming Rising 9th - Rising 12th grade students (FBISD students only)
Program Description: Students will take courses delivered via Edgenuity, a purchased curriculum utilized in a hybrid setting. Students work from home to complete instruction and assignments and report to the campus to complete assessments (quizzes, tests, and exams). Students will attend Summer O-LAB at the campus they are registered to attend the following school year (transportation is not provided unless otherwise noted). For example, if the student has been accepted to an academy, the student will attend orientation and the campus they were accepted to and not the campus to which they are zoned. The courses listed below will be offered through Summer O-Lab. Per board policy, students may take up to two semesters of online coursework during the summer.
This summer many FBISD campuses will be closed due to construction. Please review the list below for alternative Summer O-LAB locations. If your school is not listed, it is not affected by construction and will operate as normal.
Unavailable Campus
Confirmed Location
Dulles HS
Lexington Creek ES
Elkins HS
Marshall HS
Travis HS
Austin HS
Course Offerings:
- Government (incoming seniors; semester course)
- Economics (incoming seniors; semester course)
- Personal Financial Literacy (10th - 12th graders; semester course)
- Art I (yearlong course, 9th - 12th graders)
- Art I - A (first semester)
- Art I - B (second semester)
Registration Process
- Log into Family Access Look and click on the Summer O-LAB Application under Online Forms from March 17th - May 9th (registration will close at 11:59 pm) - Directions to Family Access
- The campus counselor reviews the application and make a determination. Note** If the student submits the application, the parent still must log into Skyward and sign the application before the counselor reviews it.
- Parents check back after 48 hours to view the counselor's determination
- Once approved, parents log into Family Access to pay the fee. If you don't see a fee, contact your child's counselor. Directions to pay the fee - Skyward Family Access Fee Management
- Note: Courses cannot be accessed abroad.
Requirements for Program Eligibility:
- Submit the application via Family Access under Online Forms
- Counselor approval and registration
- Payment submitted via Skyward Family Access
- Attend one mandatory orientation session at the campus where the student will be enrolled next school year. Dates and times TBD. (No transportation will be provided during the summer)
- Start the class online on the first day of summer school. Log-in information will be provided at orientation.
- Students are required to log in daily for a minimum of two hours.
- Complete all assignments and the final exam according to the target date and time assigned to the course. Note: Students have only one opportunity to take their cumulative exams (finals).
Pertinent Information:
- All grades will be posted on the student's transcript.
- All assessments (quizzes, unit tests, and exams) must be taken on campus and proctored by designated staff.
- Students must have access to a computer and stable internet access.
- All Edgenuity coursework, including final exams, must be completed by July 24th at 12:00 p.m.
- Students must have an active email account to communicate with staff (preferably school email).
- Students must have transportation.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Student-athletes who may be pursuing NCAA, NAIA, or NJCAA eligibility should be aware that coursework completed via online learning may not meet program requirements. UIL eligibility may also be impacted. Please get in touch with your counselor if you have questions or concerns regarding this information.
Program Cost:
- $125.00/ per semester
- $65.00/semester for students on reduced lunch
- $50.00/semester for students on free lunch
Payment should be submitted via Skyward Family Access/RevTrak - The payment portal closes on May 9th at 11:59 p.m.
Do you have questions about Summer O-LAB? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document
Summer Senior Rescue
Summer Senior Rescue Online Courses
Audience: Current 12th-grade summer graduates only. (FBISD students only)
Enrollment process: Courses are identified and approved by counselors for students graduating in August. Applications must be submitted by the student, parents, or campus counselor to ensure students are notified of pertinent information. Directions on how to submit applications can be found here: Summer O-LAB Application Directions
Program Requirements: Students will report to campus daily to complete their courses. Students will adhere to the Summer O-LAB program guidelines. All courses must be completed (including the cumulative exams) by July 24th at noon.
Available Courses: Students are permitted to take any course needed in our current program course catalog.
External Course Providers
Audience: Incoming 9th - 12th grade students
Students may opt to take online courses via one of three outside providers approved by FBISD. Counselor approval is required before students register. If a student opts to use UT or Texas Tech, they must also officially register and pay the university. Students are subject to timelines, processes, and expectations set by those programs. A list of course offerings and costs for each outside provider is available through the following links. Students may register for up to two semesters of coursework. All course grades earned will be added to the student's transcript.
- Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) - course fees vary according to the provider selected. The O-LAB teacher at the designated campus must assist with registration. Students are subject to traditional semester timelines.
- University of Texas High School - $260/semester course (includes $15 proctoring fee); Art and Spanish are $275. In most cases, textbooks are included but courses may require other materials. Registration occurs on the provider's website. (See the process below). Students have 140 days to complete the course. Course descriptions can be found here. More information about UT High School can be found in the student handbook, starting on page 71. More questions? Contact UT High school at 866-361-UTHS or edservices@austin.utexas.edu.
- Texas Tech University K-12 - $300/semester course. Registration occurs on the provider's website. (See the process below). Students have 180 days to complete the course. Textbooks are not included. Course descriptions and syllabi can be found here. More questions? Contact TTU K-12 at (800) 692-6877 or ttuk12@ttu.edu.
- O-LAB External Provider Applications: Family Access - Online Forms - Directions to Family Access
- The counselor must approve the application before registration occurs. The last day to have an application approved by a counselor is May 23rd. Any credit earned without prior approval by the counselor is subject to denial by the campus.
- Once the application is approved by the campus counselor, the student/parent should register and pay for the course. Families utilizing:
- TxVSN: should contact the O-LAB teacher at the high school campus to make payment.
- UT High School and TTU K-12: should register on their respective sites.
- Registration Dates: Dates vary. Check the provider's websites.
- TXVSN, UT, or TTU courses are subject to provider deadlines.
- TXVSN Summer classes follow typical school district deadlines. The classes begin at the beginning of the summer and must typically be completed by the end of July.
- TTU K-12 and UT High School begin upon completion of registration and payment. If you register before summer starts, the class will begin before at the time of registration and payment. Please be sure you read the policies of the provider you select before registering. Additionally, check the email you provide for more information from the provider.
FBISD Board Policy Applicable to External Providers
- EIC — Academic Achievement: Class Ranking; Local Policy
- The District shall record Weighted 100 point scale, weighted 4.0 scale, and the unweighted 4.0 GPA on student
transcripts. All courses recorded on the academic achievement record (high school transcript) shall count toward GPA
and class rank using the grades received, with the exception of courses taken on a GPA-exempt basis and, beginning
with the class of 2029, any credits earned through virtual learning beyond the first two. These courses shall be weighted
by category when calculating GPA. Courses taken in fulfillment of an endorsement shall not be excluded from the GPA.
- The District shall record Weighted 100 point scale, weighted 4.0 scale, and the unweighted 4.0 GPA on student
- EHDE — Alternative Methods for Earning Credit: Distance Learning; Local Policy
- Application for Out-of-District: Prior to enrollment in an out-of-District distance learning course, an application must
be submitted on behalf of the student to the principal or designee for approval to enroll in the course. All supplies,
materials, textbooks, fees, and transportation for out-of-District distance learning courses shall be the responsibility of
the student and his or her parent. In case of hardship, the student may be awarded tuition assistance or a scholarship
to assist with the cost.
If approval is not granted prior to enrollment, the student shall not be awarded credit. - Limitations: A student may earn a maximum of two high school state-required original credits through out-of-District
virtual learning. This limitation does not apply to in-District virtual learning experiences offered on campus or through
the TxVSN. Seniors may earn additional credits for credit recovery if approved by the principal or designee.
- Application for Out-of-District: Prior to enrollment in an out-of-District distance learning course, an application must
For questions about Summer O-LAB programming options, please email Dr. Taya Watkins at taya.watkins@fortbendisd.com.
For refund requests for Summer O-LAB, submit your request in writing to Dr. Taya Watkins at taya.watkins@fortbendisd.com.
- Please be sure your request contains the student's name, campus, and the course for which you are requesting the refund.
- Refunds will be granted from May 9th to June 11th. No refunds will be granted after June 11th.
Students must be local to participate in Summer O-LAB. Because students are required to complete all assessments on campus, students are unable to access their courses abroad.