• Sick Leave Program

    Catastrophic Benefit

    Fort Bend ISD created the Catastrophic Leave Program to aid employees who experience a catastrophic medical condition and have insufficient compensable time and as a result, will lose compensation.  A catastrophic illness or injury is a severe condition or combination of conditions affecting the mental or physical health of the employee that requires the services of a licensed practitioner for a prolonged period of time and that forces the employee to exhaust all leave time earned by that employee and as a result, compensation from the district is impacted.  Please contact Human Resources through our online service center.

    Sick Leave Bank - Requires Annual Enrollment

    The District established a sick leave bank that employees may join through contribution of local leave. Leave contributed to the bank shall be solely for the use of participating employees. An employee who is a member of the bank may request leave from the bank if the employee is experiencing a catastrophic illness or injury and all available compensable time has been utilized, including the Catastrophic Benefit offered and administered by the district.

    Annual enrollment is required during the open enrollment period. Note: The enrollment period for the 2024-25 school year has closed. Please be on the lookout for information about the 2025-26 enrollment period in September 2025.

    During the Sick Leave Bank Open enrollment period, eligible employees must donate a minimum of one to a maximum of ten local sick days to the bank for membership. Membership allows the donating employee consideration for a withdrawal from the bank if the need arises due to a catastrophic illness or injury.  Leave contributed to the SLB shall be solely for the use of participating members.


    To be a member of the Sick Leave Bank, you must meet the following requirements:

    1. Full-time benefits eligible;
    2. Completed 12 consecutive months of employment with the district;
    3. Accrued at least 1 local leave day (Local Sick or Local Personal) and;
    4. Completed enrollment during the membership window

    To check your current absence balances, please log into PeopleSoft My-Self Service > FBISD Self Service Tile > FB-SS Absence Balances

    To Apply:  Sick Leave Bank Benefit Claim Form

    Voluntary Transfer of Days - Catastrophic Illness (Does not require annual enrollment)

    FBISD’s Voluntary Leave Transfer Program allows an eligible employee to receive local leave days donated by district employees to assist with the loss of pay due to a catastrophic illness or injury.  Please note, that before receiving additional days through the transfer process, all leave balances must have been exhausted including the catastrophic benefit.  Under this application, employees may receive up to a maximum of 30 full days to be used while on leave of absence.   The receiving employee must apply before the donating employee can donate days.  

    **Please note: The receiving employee is required to submit a medical certification from their physician to confirm eligibility under catastrophic illness or injury before receiving additional days.

    To apply:  Voluntary Transfer of Days Donation Application (To be completed by the donating employee)

    To apply:  Voluntary Transfer of Days Benefit Application Form  (To be completed by the receiving employee)

    Voluntary Transfer of Days – Bereavement (Does not require annual enrollment)

    FBISD’s Voluntary Leave Transfer Program allows an employee to receive local leave days donated by district employees to assist with the loss of pay due to bereavement – death in the immediate family. Please note that before receiving additional days, all leave balances must have been exhausted including any earned compensatory time.  Under this application, employees may receive a maximum of five local days.  The application must be received within 10 days of the death resulting in the need for leave days. The receiving employee must apply before the donating employee can donate days.

    **Please note: The receiving employee will be required to submit documentation to confirm eligibility under voluntary transfer of days before receiving days.

    To apply:  Voluntary Transfer of Days Donation Application (To be completed by the donating employee)

    To apply:  Voluntary Transfer of Days Benefit Application Form  (To be completed by the receiving employee)


    Sick Leave decisions made by the program committee may be appealed upon denial of a claim.  These are processed and coordinated by the FBISD Human Resources Leaves Office. 

    If a claim is denied, you may appeal by completing the Sick Leave Bank Appeal Application

    Time limits shall apply to the appeals process and will be strictly enforced.  Submissions must be received by the Leaves Office no later than ten (10) calendar days after notification of decision is sent. The 10-calendar day period begins on the day after the email notification is sent.  If an appeal is untimely, the complaint shall be dismissed, and the employee notified of the decision in writing.  

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Specific Sick Leave Program Questions