GT Middle School Academy
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The Fort Bend ISD Gifted and Talented Academy will engage students in evidence-based curriculum and rich instructional strategies to differentiate for the academically gifted. The focus of the Academy is to provide challenging learning opportunities and special curricula that modify learning environments to enhance self-awareness, self-efficacy, problem-solving, and the learning of critical/creative thinking skills. The instructional program will emphasize the development, practice, and transfer of advanced knowledge and skills to assist students in preparing for creative and productive careers.
Shared Beliefs
- We believe it is essential to create an engaging, safe and challenging environment that nurtures the social, emotional and academic needs of our students.
- We must develop critically-thinking minds through rigor and authenticity of conceptual ideas and encourage students to take ownership of their inherent intellectual abilities and tendencies for leadership.
- Each teacher is instrumental as a facilitator and developer of meaningful, relevant and integrated curriculum which engages each learner.
- Gifted students have an unlimited and exceptional ability to learn which is enhanced by the quality of curriculum, personal motivation and supportive educational and home environments.
- It is our responsibility to provide abundant opportunities to foster a gifted and talented student’s ability and promote growth.
- Our obligation to struggling students is to quickly identify the underlying causes and intervene with support.
- Teachers themselves should be lifelong learners in order to constantly provide an optimal educational experience for all students.
- Parents, teachers, and the community are active partners in education to provide accountability, support and guidance to students.
- Communication and positive interaction are essential to the development of mutual trust, recognizing that faltering is part of the growth process.
- To be successful in a constantly evolving society, students need interpersonal skills to work in teams in multi-cultural, multi-lingual environments.
- Students need to be prepared for leadership roles in an increasingly complex and technological global society based on teamwork, contributions and excellence.
Last Modified on October 24, 2024