Visual Arts

  • 2025 Rodeo Art Show Poster

  • Fort Bend ISD's Visual Art classes are designed to allow art students to develop an understanding and appreciation of artwork and artistic skills, using hands-on approaches to learning. Visual Art students develop creative and flexible forms of thinking, problem-solving skills, and critical-thinking skills that allow them to appreciate all forms of the Visual Arts.
    Every student in FBISD has access to a quality visual arts education with self-expression and process at the heart of every program.  Each and every FBISD school has an art trained specialist to facilitate learning and promoting Studio Habits of Mind. The Visual Arts curriculum follows the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for the Fine Arts.
    Visual Arts students have the opportunity to participate in exhibitions and contests throughout the year. FBISD Visual Arts students have won numerous local, regional, state, and national awards. In 2021 and 2022, Fort Bend ISD received the Super Show Award from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. In 2020, FBISD received the prestigious Reserve Grand Championship for Clements HS at the Houston Rodeo and School Arts Show. FBISD has been awarded the TAEA District of Distinction Award in both 2020 and 2021. Fort Bend ISD students consistently earn Gold Seals at the State VASE Contest every year as well.

    Middle School Visual Arts

    Art I

    This course is designed to enable students to develop their problem-solving and creative thinking skills while teaching them to perceive the world around them, interpret emotion through a variety of artistic media, and evaluate their own artwork as well as work of other artists. Students explore basic elements of art and principles of design using a variety of media and techniques, concentrating on both traditional and contemporary.  Students may be required to purchase some materials (art kit or supply list). An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    Art II

    Students continue to explore basic elements of art and principles of design using a variety of media and techniques. Art appreciation and art history are basic to the course. Students work on honing their critical analysis skills and recreating traditional as well as contemporary works of art. Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions. Students may be required to purchase some materials (art kit or supply list).  An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    Art III

    Students continue to practice and apply the basic elements of art and principles of design. Students continue their progress with more advanced techniques, both traditional and contemporary, using a variety of media. Originality of work and creativity are stressed in order to develop the higher order thinking skills of evaluation, reasoning and justification. Students are encouraged to take creative risks, thus improving their self-concept through competency with techniques and various mark-making tools. Art appreciation and art history are basic to the course. Creating a portfolio of works, including a sketchbook, is required. Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions. Students may be required to purchase some materials (art kit or supply list). An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    High School Visual Arts

    Art I

    Art I is a prerequisite for all other art courses in high school. Students examine natural and man-made objects as well as explore the art elements of line, value, texture, color, form, and space. Students apply the principles of design, pattern, contract, emphasis, balance, proportion, harmony, rhythm, and movement in developing and creating original artworks using a variety of media and techniques in a general, structured, step-by-step manner. Artworks of master artists (traditional and contemporary) as well as fellow students are studied to allow students to grow in the appreciation of art and to develop evaluation skills.

    Art II, Drawing I, Painting I, Ceramics I, Sculpture I and Digital Art Media I

    This course is for students who have successfully completed Art I or have demonstrated an advanced artistic ability (based on portfolio), and is an opportunity to further develop their art skills through the use of high-level thinking processes and techniques. Concentrated focus will be on scaffolded skills needed to practice various mediums, and students will be encouraged to research art works and to practice in-depth design problem solving of compositions and creative processes. In 3D, the focus is on the fundamentals of building form, exploration of clay and found objects, creating traditional and contemporary forms, including installations and practicing to become proficient in modeling and construction. For Digital Art, students will begin with understanding image manipulation and juxtaposition, transferring of images through a variety of electronic and digital scanning methods, using their electronic devices to better understand the basics of the imaging hardware, and utilizing various art software programs.  Students will continue to practice studio habits and time management as they continue to focus on their choice of style. Study of contemporary and traditional art and world cultures will inspire students and help them develop an individual artistic style.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. -Pablo Picasso
    The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. -Aristotle
    I found I could say things with color and shapes that I coudn't say any other way - things I had no words for. -Georgia O'Keeffe
Fahmi Khan
Fine Arts Department
Coordinator of Visual Art
Michele Rose
Drabek Elementary School
Visual Arts Facilitator
Olivia Hooper
Clements High School
Visual Arts Facilitator
Amanda Levermann
Sullivan Elementary School
Visual Arts Facilitator
  • Throwing Clay on Wheel

  • TAEA District of Distinction

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