
The secondary choral music program of Fort Bend ISD is designed to provide students opportunities to develop their skills and talents as a vocal musician, while simultaneously teaching the attributes of FBISD's Profile of a Graduate. The pursuit of excellence within a safe, nurturing environment permeates everything we do. The FBISD Choral Music programs are on the rise and gaining regional and national prominence; The First Colony Middle School Select Treble Choir has been invited to perform at the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Convention in San Antonio and the Fort Settlement Middle School Varsity Treble Choir has been invited to perform at the Southwestern American Choral Directors Association (SWACDA) Convention in 2024. Previously, in 2020, three Fort Bend ISD Choirs (Clements High School Chorale, Garcia Middle School Varsity Treble Choir, and Clements High School Chorale Women) performed at these two prestigious conventions—TMEA and then SWACDA in Little Rock, Arkansas. In addition to state and national recognition, our choirs consistently perform well in Texas UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Evaluations.
Middle School Choir
For all middle school choir courses, placement is by audition only. The choir program at the middle school begins with group instruction in the sixth grade. These classes meet daily and focus on the continued development of basic musical skills begun at the elementary level and establishing fundamental choral performance skills. Beginning Choir classes present concerts for the parents and public. Beginning Choirs also participate in the Fort Bend ISD Sixth Grade Choral Festival in late March.
In the seventh and eighth grades, students are provided the opportunity to enroll in gender specific choirs. If more than one such ensemble is available at the campus students are placed into choirs based on their overall choral skill and an appropriate balance of voices between parts. These choirs perform three or more concerts each year, including performances on campus, in the community, and for the University Interscholastic League (UIL) Concert and Sight-reading Festival. Students may elect to participate in the University Interscholastic League (UIL) Solo and Ensemble events and/or the Texas Music Educators Association Region Choir audition process, to further develop their individual musicianship. Rehearsal time outside the school day is usually limited.
High School Choir
For all high school choir courses, placement is by audition only. The high school choirs challenge students with more varied and demanding choral literature requiring advanced vocal technique. Mixed Choir experience is offered in addition to the Treble and Tenor/Bass Choirs. Participation in Concert and Sight-reading and Solo and Ensemble events continues in the High School years. TMEA District Choir auditions at the high school level are the first round of auditions toward membership in one of the TMEA All-State Choirs. In addition to a wide variety of local performance opportunities, the high school choirs may travel to an out of town performance festival, requiring an overnight stay.
Private Lessons
A Supplemental Music Lesson Program is available to students who wish to enhance their vocal skills through individualized instruction with a private music contractor. The campus director can assist students and parents in arranging for such lessons before or after the school day. For further information, please contact your school's Choir Director.
Clements HS Chorale Women (SWACDA 2020)
FBISD Choir Personnel
Fine Arts Department
Assistant Director for Choral Music and Innovative Programs
Dulles High School
High School Choir Facilitator
Garcia Middle School
Middle School Choir Facilitator
Helpful Links
- Texas Music Educators Association
- UIL Music Region 13
- UIL Music
- UIL Music Contest Rules
- UIL Prescribed Music List
- UIL Forms
- Texas Choral Directors Association
- Southwestern American Choral Directors Association
- American Choral Directors Association
- Texas Music Adjudicators Association
- National Association for Music Education
- Kodály Educators of Texas
- Organization of Kodály Educators
- Southern Division of the Organization of Kodály Educators