Board of Trustees
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Board of Trustees
The mission of the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees is to focus on the knowledge, skills, and character development of each of our students by providing policies, oversight, and support to ensure continued district growth and improvement.
The local School Board concept grew out of American history dating back more than 300 years. Times have changed, but the basic function of School Boards remains the same: to provide local citizen supervision and control over education at a point close to the parent and child. This means that the School Board should represent the citizens of the school district — not just some of the citizens — all of them. Because different citizens have different ideas about schools, this responsibility always presents a challenge.
The ultimate responsibility for public education rests with the state. Texas has delegated much of that responsibility to the local School Board. Within the framework of state and federal law, and State Board of Education and Commissioner of Education rules, local school districts have significant latitude in shaping the educational programs of their schools.
Because a School Board is a governmental body, it can take action only by majority vote at a legally called public meeting. The individual Board Member’s major responsibility is to study, evaluate, and deliberate the policy issues confronting his or her district; then to vote in the best interest of ALL students. A Board Member who steps out of the policy-making role and attempts — without authorization — to speak for the total Board, direct members of the staff, interfere with the administration of policy, or make other individual decisions, is exceeding his or her authority.
Board Members
Click on the name of the Board Member below to display contact and biography information.