January 2025 Message from FBISD


    FORT BEND ISD (January 31, 2025) – The Fort Bend ISD (FBISD) Board of Trustees voted at this week's regular board meeting to amend Superintendent Dr. Marc Smith’s employment contract to extend the five-year contract by one year and to increase the base salary by $28,700 which represents a 7% pay increase. The Board’s approval of the contract amendment follows its completion of an evaluation process in which Dr. Smith received high marks for his first year of service to the district.

    “I continue to be grateful for the Board’s support, trust, and confidence,” Dr. Smith said. “Their commitment to providing stable and consistent leadership for our district will allow us to achieve unprecedented levels of excellence and I look forward to continuing to serve our students, staff and the FBISD community. I also appreciate our partnerships with local leaders and businesses committed to working alongside me to propel the district forward. Together, our potential is limitless, and I am excited about the future success of Fort Bend ISD.” Notable achievements during Dr. Smith’s first year include:

    • Leading all neighboring districts in the number of schools named to this year’s Texas AP School Honor Roll list.
    • Removing Willowridge High School from federally required school improvement status.
    • Significant gains in assessing the district’s students receiving special education services.
    • Successfully managing school construction projects so they are on track to welcome students to new 21st century learning spaces in the fall of 2025.

    Since accepting the role of leading the state’s sixth-largest school district a year ago, Dr. Smith and his administrative team have employed data-driven strategies, consistent stakeholder engagement sessions, and a “PAC” approach – Professionalism, Accountability, and Communication – to achieve positive results in several key areas.

    “Dr. Smith’s many successes in just his first year with the district confirms he is the right leader to take the district to the next level,” Fort Bend ISD Board President Kristin Tassin said. “We have complete confidence in his leadership and fully support his emphasis on professionalism, accountability, and communication. Dr. Smith is a proven exemplary leader, and the Board looks forward to him having a long tenure at FBISD.”


    FORT BEND ISD (January 17, 2025) — The Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees completed its annual evaluation of Dr. Marc Smith at a Wednesday night board meeting following completion of his first year of service as the district’s superintendent of schools. The board hired Dr. Smith on January 8, 2024.
    While Texas law provides that the contents of the evaluation are confidential, the Board reports that Dr. Smith received high marks in his first year leading the district. Notable among Dr. Smith’s achievements in his first year were:
    • Leading all neighboring districts in the number of schools named to this year’s Texas AP School Honor Roll list
    “We are very fortunate to have brought one of the state’s most talented educational leaders to our district,” Fort Bend ISD Board President Kristin Tassin said. “Dr. Smith’s success during his first year with the district has confirmed that the board has found the right leader to take our district to the next level. Dr. Smith has proven to be an exemplary leader, and the trustees are aligned in support of his vision for moving the district forward."
    "I am grateful for the Board's support, trust, and confidence,” Dr. Smith said. “Their commitment to providing stable and consistent leadership for our district will allow us to achieve unprecedented levels of excellence.”


    (January 7, 2025) — Former Fort Bend ISD Superintendent Dr. Christie Whitbeck dismissed her defamation claims against trustees this past Friday, conceding she cannot legally maintain her claims against them for statements made about her performance. Dr. Whitbeck continues to sue the district for alleged breach of her Voluntary Resignation Agreement.

    The district intends to file a briefing with the court arguing that Dr. Whitbeck's remaining claim against the district is without legal basis and must be dismissed. 

    “We are pleased Dr. Whitbeck now understands she should not have sued the trustees and the district for defamation and has voluntarily agreed to drop her defamation claims against all of them,” Fort Bend ISD Board President Kristin Tassin said.“But we regret Dr. Whitbeck has chosen not to dismiss her breach of contract claim against the district and look forward to the opportunity to brief the court as to why the remaining claim must also be dismissed.” 

December 2024 Message from FBISD


    Fort Bend ISD (December 20, 2024) – The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has concluded its investigation of a complaint alleging the former administration's plan to provide voting incentives to staff and students violated state law, finding no violation of any law within its jurisdiction occurred.

    On February 20, 2024, the TEA received a complaint alleging the district violated state laws prohibiting electioneering, unlawful political advertising, and bribery in connection with the district's Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) held on November 7, 2023. The district's former administration created a voter incentive plan to encourage voter turnout for the VATRE election. The plan offered staff members the opportunity to wear jeans and promised a breakfast provided by the Child Nutrition Department for schools whose voter turnout exceeded 90%. The former administration also circulated an incentive form to campuses titled “I voted”, which was to be sent home with students to give to their parents. The form promised a “special prize” to students who returned the form and provided a place for parents to affix an “I Voted” sticker received while voting.

    In its report, the TEA concluded that the former administration's plan to provide voting incentives to staff and students did not violate state law because the administration halted its plan after trustees insisted that former Superintendent Dr. Christie Whitbeck stop it. The agency additionally concluded the district's communications encouraged voting broadly and did not include support or opposition for the tax rate.

    The agency additionally advised that it has provided information regarding potential individual actions of bribery to local authorities who may conduct further investigation.

    “We are glad to see the TEA concluded that our trustees satisfied their obligation to oversee district operations by insisting our former Superintendent halt the voting incentives,” says Fort Bend ISD board president Kristen Tassin. “We are glad we can put this issue behind the district and focus our attention on the many positive changes being implemented by Dr. Smith and his team.”


    Fort Bend ISD (December 5, 2024) – The district’s former superintendent, Dr. Christie Whitbeck, has filed a lawsuit against the district, two trustees, and one former trustee relating to the former superintendent’s voluntary resignation from the district.  Dr. Whitbeck alleges she was defamed and that the district breached her voluntary resignation agreement.

    The board entered into a voluntary resignation agreement with Dr. Whitbeck on December 4, 2023.  The agreement provided for the payment of a severance package to Dr. Whitbeck and kept her employed with the district until her retirement on June 30, 2024.

    The district has paid Dr. Whitbeck all sums owed under the agreement.

    Legal counsel for the district are reviewing the allegations and are expected to ask the court to dismiss the lawsuit and order Dr. Whitbeck to reimburse the district for the cost of defending the lawsuit.

    “It is regrettable the district’s former superintendent has chosen to sue the district and trustees who believed a leadership change was in the district’s best interest,” says Fort Bend ISD Board President Kristin Tassin.  “The District has paid Dr. Whitbeck every penny of a very generous severance package.  Apparently, she now has second thoughts about what she agreed to and wants to get even more taxpayer money from the district.  It is disturbing to me that the district will have to spend taxpayer funds and divert time and resources from educating students to defend against this groundless lawsuit,” added Tassin. 

October 2024 Message from FBISD Board Officers

April 2024 Message from FBISD Board Officers

  • This message is from FBISD Board Officers:

    • Board President Judy Dae
    • Board Vice President Dr. Shirley Rose-Gilliam
    • Board Secretary David Hamilton

    The Fort Bend ISD Board Officers released an official statement regarding the TEA complaint alleging a violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act. View the official FBISD Board Officers' statement, supporting legal response to TEA and the official TEA complaint below.

TEA Complaint Documents

Last Modified on January 31, 2025