About Let’s Connect: New Customer Service Platform for FBISD Stakeholders



    As part of Fort Bend ISD’s commitment to exceptional customer service, the district will launch new communication tools in the coming weeks to enhance transparency and foster clear communication with stakeholders.

    Let’s Connect: New Customer Service Platform for FBISD Stakeholders

    FBISD will introduce Let’s Connect as the district’s new customer service platform, replacing Let’s Talk. This tool will provide students, staff and community members with a direct channel to communicate with district administrators.

    Through Let’s Connect, stakeholders can:

    • Submit questions, concerns and comments
    • Provide feedback
    • Report bullying

    Once an online form is submitted, the appropriate staff member will be notified to respond.

    The platform will be easily accessible from the Fort Bend ISD website, school websites or at www.fortbendisd.com/LetsConnect.   

    Stakeholders are encouraged to contact schools directly, for school-related matters, for assistance. Visit www.fortbendisd.com/SchoolDirectory for a complete list of school contact information.