Behavioral Health & Wellness
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Behavioral Health and Wellness Department
The department of Behavioral Health and Wellness (BHAW) seeks to provide effective, coordinated, and collaborative support for the growing behavior and mental health needs of students and staff district-wide. The primary physical, mental health, and behavior prevention and intervention personnel and programs (PBIS, Trauma-Informed Care, Mental Health Counselors and Centers, Social Workers, PE and Health, and Nurses) work together in our department to collaboratively support all FBISD students. These are critical prevention and intervention components of FBISD’s Multi-Tiered System of support (MTSS) for behavioral health.
Mission Statement (Department):
Behavioral Health and Wellness exists to collaboratively support and advocate through resources, prevention, and intervention to nurture the health and wellness of the whole child.
Vision Statement (District and Department):
Fort Bend ISD will graduate students who exhibit the attributes of the District’s Profile of a Graduate.
General Inquiries(281) 634-2711