• AVID Graduation with Distinction

  • AVID students who exemplify their own Advancement Via Individual Determination will be eligible to graduate with distinction and wear a medal at commencement ceremonies. Earning a medal is a privilege awarded to those students who have shown great commitment to their academic career. Fort Bend ISD AVID seniors receive this honor by:

    • Earning a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale

    • Successfully completing three or more years of AVID elective courses including the junior and senior years

    • Participating in at least one extracurricular activity (sports, clubs, organizations) each year of AVID

    • Completing 75 community service hours during high school or 25 hours of community service during the senior year

    • Taking at least one SAT or ACT Exam

    • Successfully completing (C or above) at least 2 Dual Credit or AP classes (as well as taking the corresponding AP exams)

    • Having applied and been accepted into at least one 4 year university of college

    • Completing and accurately submitting the AVID Senior Data to AVID Center

    AVID Medal of Distinction Application