Procedures for Reporting Bullying

  • Any student who believes that they are a victim of bullying, cyberbullying or retaliation or believes that another student is being bullied should immediately report the alleged acts to a teacher, counselor, campus administrator, or other district employee. Additionally, any parent who believes that their student is being bullied, cyberbullied or retaliated should report the alleged acts to their student’s teacher, counselor, or campus administrator. 

    Reports of bullying can be made

    The completed Bullying Incident Reporting form should be returned to the campus administrator. The Bullying Reporting Form gives students and parents the choice to report bullying anonymously.

Resources for Reporting Bullying

    • Click here to download the FBISD Notice of Parent/Student Rights
    • Aquí para descargar FBISD Aviso Sobre de Derechos de los Padres/Estudiantes
    • Click here to download the FBISD Bullying Incident Reporting Form
    • Aquí para descargar FBISD Bullying/Ciberbullying/Acoso Planilla de Reporte de Incidentes

    For questions regarding reporting bullying, you may contact your student's campus administrator or the Department of Student Affairs or (281) 327-2829.

    If you believe your student is a victim of teen dating violence, stalking, has been sexually assaulted, has been sexually harassed, or discriminated against, please contact the District Title IX Coordinator at