Current Student Enrollment Report

  • As a growing District, Fort Bend ISD actively monitors daily enrollment and receives updated enrollment projections on an annual basis from an independent demographer. The following information is provided to help parents understand the enrollment and capacity data that is included in this enrollment report, which is updated each week.

    District Enrollment

    Column A – Projected enrollment: This column includes the most recent student enrollment projections, as provided by Population and Survey Analysts, or PASA, a respected and Texas-based demographic firm. PASA is an independent entity that relies on housing market trends, economic and job indicators, and extensive interviews to project student growth in planning units that are derived from U.S. Census.

    Column B – Current enrollment: This column includes the most recent enrollment for the current school year. This report is generated weekly and will be updated accordingly.

    Column C – Enrollment Variance Count: This is the comparison between the projected enrollment and current enrollment.

    Column D – Audited Design Capacity: This refers to the design of the building and how many students it can accommodate based on the number of permanent classrooms and “seats” the facility was designed to accommodate. To ensure the consistency and accuracy in capacity calculations across the District, FBISD commissioned an audit, by an outside consulting firm, of all campuses in the summer of 2018 applying the same scheduling factor at all schools across the District.

    • The design capacity will not change from year to year, unless there are changes to the physical building, such as the construction of classroom additions or the movement of walls.
    • At the elementary level, capacity was calculated at 22 students per classroom, and at the secondary level, it was calculated at 25 students per classroom.
    • An 85 percent scheduling factor was applied consistently at all campuses across the District, which is an industry standard. This is based on the understanding that students will not be in each classroom 100 percent of the day.

    Column E – Audited Design Capacity Utilization: The utilization of the campus, based on the audited design capacity and the total number of currently enrolled students. The design capacity will be utilized each year as a part of the annual enrollment review to determine whether alternative student enrollment options and/or facility utilization options should be implemented as a result of a campus going under 80 percent of utilization or over 120 percent utilization. These actions could include the movement of programs, the movement of temporary buildings and capping of enrollment.

    Column F  – Audited Functional Capacity: Functional capacity will be updated each year, using information from campus principals about how the campus and its various classrooms are used, considering the desired level of scheduling flexibility and the curriculum and program offerings.

    • For example, while the Audited Design Capacity Utilization uses a standard of 22 students per classroom at the elementary level and 25 at the middle school level, if a standard classroom is used as a special program setting, functional capacity would be calculated with the number of students or other program seating, rather than the standard in the design capacity. For example, a special education program classroom may have a lower number of students; therefore, the functional capacity of that particular classroom would be calculated with the lower number and not 22 or 25.

    Column G  – Audited Functional Capacity Utilization: This utilization considers the actual functional capacity of the building at the time of the most recent audit, as compared to current enrollment.

    Column H  – Temporary Capacity: This includes the total number of student seats available at each campus due to the addition of portable buildings.

    Column I  – Total Functional Capacity: This includes the total functional capacity, considering the results of the audited functional capacity and the addition of seats provided by portable buildings.

    Total Projected Utilization

    This references the projected utilization based on projected enrollment and the total functional capacity. This includes seats that are provided through the usage of portable buildings.

    Total Current Utilization

    This references the total current utilization, calculated with the number of currently enrolled students and the total functional capacity. This includes seats that are provided through the usage of portable buildings.