• The Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) must provide a rigorous course of study that allows students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and enable a student to
    combine high school courses and college-level courses with the goal of earning industry-based certifications, certificates, and/or an associate degree and engage in appropriate work-based learning
    at every grade level.

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  • 4.1: Regional Need

    4.1: Regional Need

    The P-TECH shall work with the local workforce development board, local chamber of commerce, and/or local workforce industry representatives to identify and maintain a list of high-demand

    The P-TECH shall establish one or more career pathways that include industry relevant classes, are informed by the identified regional needs, and prepare students for high-wage, high-demand,
    high-skills career fields. The P-TECH shall have plans for sequencing additional courses for students in the career pathway.

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  • 4.3: Course Sequence

    4.3: Course Sequence

    The P-TECH shall offer a course of study that provides a detailed and relevant course sequence to the postsecondary opportunities aligned to the high school and college courses provided to the
    P-TECH students. This crosswalk must follow the courses and fields of study listed in the THECB Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) and/or the Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM).

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  • 4.7: College Readiness

    4.7: College Readiness

    The P-TECH shall provide a TSI assessment to accepted students as early as incoming 9th graders. This assessment may not be used as a prerequisite for admissions to the P-TECH.
    a. The P-TECH shall publish on its website the dates, times, and location(s) for TSIA administration
    b. The P-TECH shall provide assessment fee waivers for all administrations of the TSIA test
    c. The P-TECH shall implement a plan for TSIA success, including academic preparation classes for accepted students and shall provide academic interventions (e.g., tutorials, workshops, testing strategies, accelerated instruction) for students who do not pass
    the TSI before retesting.
    d. The P-TECH shall review TSIA testing data, particularly the number/percentage of students who have currently passed each section of the TSI assessment to prescribe accelerated instruction to support students.
    e. The P-TECH shall explore alternative measures for students to meet college readiness standards.

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