Facebook video of Dr. Whitbeck's message to the community after the voter approval of Prop A

    Facebook post thanking voters for supporting FBISD VATRE Proposition A

    Facebook post about My Choice My Voice My Vote

    Facebook post about Your Vote Matters - Election Day is Today

    Facebook video about shortage of police officers

    VATRE Facebook post about Election Day is tomorrow

    VATRE Facebook video of teacher talking about funding

    VATRE post about today being the last day to early vote

    Facebook post about tomorrow being the last day of early voting

    Facebook post about why VATRE Prop A and what happens if Prop A does not pass

    VATRE Facebook video on teacher pay raises

    VATRE Facebook post about cafeteria workers in Spanish

    VATRE Facebook video about cafeteria workers in English

    FB VATRE posting about weekend early voting opportunities

    Facebook VATRE video on ballot language in Spanish

    Facebook VATRE video on ballot language in English

    Facebook post explaining a vote for versus a vote against the VATRE

    Facebook Watch video of classroom ratios and class sizes

    Facebook post on how will the $35 million be allocated?

    Facebook Watch video of financial challenges

    Facebook video of Dr. Whitbeck during early voting

    Facebook Live on October 23

    Facebook post about VATRE ballot language

    Facebook post about early voting

    Facebook post about October 23 Facebook Live VATRE Virtual Information Session

    Facebook video on Prop A pay increases

    Facebook post on VATRE important dates

    Facebook post on lowest tax rate in FBISD history

    Facebook post on Prop A iimpact on teacher and librarian pay

    October 12 Facebook posting regarding VATRE impac ton Senior Citizens

    Spanish version of bus video

    English version of bus video

    My Choice My Voice My Vote post

    VATRE police video

    Facebook post about facebook live recording

    Facebook post on benefits eligible staff

    Facebook Live for VATRE Q&A

    Facebook post on KPRC article on VATRE

    Facebook post on tax impact

    Fort Bend Virtual Information Session on Facebook Live

    VATRE graphic of Two Funds for Two Different Elections

    VATRE Explainer video

    Register to Vote or Check Your Status

    Proposition A Fact on starting teacher salary lower than neighboring districts

    Facebook Watch video on Fort Bend ISD teachers

    Facebook Post on Prop A Funding Priorities

    Facebook post on Prop A impact on safety

    Facebook post on voter registration PSA

    Facebook post on My Choice My Voice My Vote

    Facebook post on Prop A Fact