A BIG "Thank You" to our @FortBendISD parents, staff and community for supporting the District’s tax rate election. We are excited to announce that #FBISDPropA has passed with a majority of the votes.
It's not too late to vote early. Tomorrow is the last day of early voting! Polls are open until 7 p.m. View a list of early voting poll locations at https://t.co/iqwR0NxIG0. pic.twitter.com/mvXHmN3JEi
@FortBendISD VATRE - Prop A would generate $35M dollars yearly to provide salary increases for teachers and staff, as well as fulfill a state mandate to hire armed security officers for all elementary schools. But what would happen if Prop A is not approved? #FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/SlAWXZidqI
Los trabajadores de cafetería en @FortBendISD a diario alimentan las mentes de los estudiantes. Este grupo de empleados también recibiría un aumento de sueldo si se aprueba la Proposición A en la Elección de la Tasa de Impuestos Escolar. https://t.co/b37IbyPb8apic.twitter.com/obOa1WyX0l
El lenguaje de la boleta electoral puede ser complejo. Votantes de @FortBendISD no verán que la Proposición A financiaría aumentos salariales para maestros y personal y cumpliría con un mandato de seguridad estatal. Para más información, visite https://t.co/b37IbyPb8apic.twitter.com/aD7KCDybjt
Ballot language can be complex. FBISD voters will not see that Prop A would fund pay raises for teachers and staff; fulfill a statewide security mandate to hire armed, uniformed security personnel; and how much money the state will contribute, if passed. #FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/DE19TC7LNX
@FortBendISD taxpayers will see an 18¢ tax rate decrease due to a state tax relief bill, bringing the school tax rate to $0.9492. FBISD is asking voters to approve 4¢ for teachers/staff/safety & security. IMPORTANT: School tax rate is NOT INCREASING; it is DECREASING. pic.twitter.com/YXfBMkhr0e
Student-to-teacher classroom ratios and class sizes are impacted by teacher availability. Fort Bend ISD Prop A allows the district to attract more teachers to support student achievement and maintain current class sizes. pic.twitter.com/XMaIhK19qR
The polls are officially open. Early voting is underway! On the ballot, you will find the @FortBendISD Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) Prop A for teachers, staff, school safety and security. Check out @FBISDSupe message to the community. https://t.co/iqwR0NxIG0pic.twitter.com/DTOT1sttx4
Ballot language can be complex. Fort Bend ISD voters will not see what Prop A money would be used for and how much the state will contribute. To learn more, visit https://t.co/b37IbyPb8apic.twitter.com/YhcB5p88ro
Fort Bend ISD encourages our students, staff and community to exercise their right to vote. Early voting for the November 7 election begins Monday. To find an early voting location near you, visit https://t.co/iqwR0NxIG0. pic.twitter.com/KV4RRKb7Jj
Learn about the district's upcoming Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE - Prop A) that will appear on the November 7 ballot at a virtual session on Monday night with Superintendent Dr. Christie Whitbeck and Deputy Superintendent Steve Bassett. #FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/UGeGD4HwJ8
Educating a student begins in the classroom but does not stop there. If approved, funding from Proposition A would benefit ALL eligible employees in Fort Bend ISD who actively participate in the education of our students. #FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/ZAZj3nsfdD
Mark your calendar!! Early voting is fast approaching. In this election, the Fort Bend ISD school community will see a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) Proposition A on the ballot. Learn more at https://t.co/b37IbyPb8a#FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/DFIdOK2n3Z
When comparing other local school districts, Fort Bend ISD's tax rate is one of the lowest in the region. A successful Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) will increase the revenue per student by $438 and bring FBISD more in line with the state and peer district averages. pic.twitter.com/dc7rnC3gMa
Thank you @abc13houston and @BrianaReports for having me on today to talk about the @FortBendISD 2023 Prop A VATRE and lessons learned from last year’s election. This time it’s easy to understand: Four Cents For Teacher & Staff Raises and School Safety. Vote early Oct 23. pic.twitter.com/6PVrXCeDAR
Proposition A Fact: If the Fort Bend ISD Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) is approved, all raises will take effect retroactively to the beginning of the 2023-2024 contract year. #FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/3ZMqTi6PMt
Tune into @abc13houston this morning at 11 a.m. to see FBISD Superintendent Dr. Christie Whitbeck discuss the district's upcoming VATRE election and legislative issues. pic.twitter.com/6Co3xR1Oas
It’s important senior citizens living within FBISD boundaries understand if Prop A passes there would be a zero-dollar impact on property taxes for those ages 65 and over, as well as for those who have a disability exemption, and have not made major improvements to their homes. pic.twitter.com/QPj9RfE33K
Los conductores de autobús escolares de Fort Bend ISD están lidiando con las repercusiones de la escasez nacional de conductores. En caso de ser aprobada, la Propuesta A asignaría fondos para aumentar los salarios y reclutar conductores adicionales. #YourVoteMatters#FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/8gJmW0FZud
Due to a national shortage, FBISD Bus Drivers often have to drive multiple routes, sometimes making students wait longer. If voters approve Prop A, the funds generated would be used to increase pay and recruit additional drivers. #YourVoteMatters#FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/VlwSy89LXt
Deputy Superintendent Steve Bassett informed staff at @HHS_Canes yesterday about the district's upcoming VATRE. KPRC covered the meeting and spoke with several staff members. https://t.co/rLM5oAYjI9
If VATRE Proposition A is approved, all benefits-eligible staff members will receive an immediate pay raise. What's even more crucial to note is that this pay increase will be retroactive to the beginning of their 23-24 contract start date. #FBISDPropA#YourVoteMatterspic.twitter.com/bkvYrAc5Ao
Passage of the VATRE will not cause an increase in property taxes for Homeowners ages 65 and over or disabled who have applied for and received the Over 65 Homestead Exemption unless they have made improvements to their residence. #FBISDPropA#YourVoteMatterspic.twitter.com/r6GwzMK4fh
Election Time is fast approaching. A perfect opportunity to learn about the Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE - Prop A) will be at our upcoming virtual session. #FBISDPropApic.twitter.com/OQUqRlAANZ
FBISD will have a voter approval tax rate election (Prop A) on the ballot in November. If approved, it would generate $35M to increase salaries and fulfill a state mandate requiring all campuses to have armed security. Learn more: https://t.co/YeCRAmWaue via @YouTube
This week is National Voter Education Week. FBISD encourages our students and staff to register to vote, stay informed about the democratic process and exercise the right to vote. Visit https://t.co/ddPiSn1pdY if you are not registered or need to check your status. #FBISDvotespic.twitter.com/EHck1xzeGA
Fort Bend ISD competes with neighboring school districts for teachers and staff. The district's starting teacher salary is $3,000 lower. Prop A includes funding for competitive pay. https://t.co/b37IbyPb8a#FBISDpropApic.twitter.com/2JkfwaxkFg
Educators are facing challenges. A Fort Bend ISD teacher talks about how funding from Fort Bend ISD's VATRE/Proposition A will be used to invest in attracting and retaining exceptional teachers and staff. Learn more about VATRE/Proposition A at https://t.co/b37IbyPb8a. pic.twitter.com/aIe9a97bbR
The Fort Bend ISD Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) will be on the November 2023 ballot. To learn the difference between a VATRE and a Bond election, visit https://t.co/b37IbyPb8apic.twitter.com/gvSIin43wC
If Proposition A is approved, Fort Bend ISD could hire and retain more officers and provide funds to fulfill a statewide legislative mandate requiring armed personnel at all schools. pic.twitter.com/z4tk8wgh0o
Students @EHS_Knightwire had the opportunity to register to vote on campus yesterday. Students who will turn 18 on or before the November 7 Election, can register now and vote in the upcoming election. https://t.co/ddPiSn1pdY#FBISDvotespic.twitter.com/bHaF7MIVer
FBISD encourages our students and staff to register to vote, stay informed about the democratic process and exercise the right to vote. Today is National Voter’s Registration Day. We encourage you to visit https://t.co/ZDBPWcOTqw to register. #FBISDvotespic.twitter.com/dehifI0HIs
Did you know? Proposition A includes competitive salary increases, which allows Fort Bend ISD to attract and retain quality teachers and staff. pic.twitter.com/OjT4t1XiHT