Early Childhood
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The Vision of the Early Literacy Centers is to empower all students with the critical literacy skills necessary for success in school and beyond.
The Mission of the Early Literacy Centers is to equip all students with grade-level reading skills by the end of first grade.
Philosophy - FBISD believes literacy is the foundation for learning and is accomplished through a community of learners who engage in authentic reading, writing, speaking, and listening experiences.Core Belief - Literacy is essential to success in life.
In August 2018, FBISD opened the doors of the Ridgemont Early Literacy Center(ELC) that currently serves PreK-1st grade children in the Willowridge High School feeder pattern. The Ridgemont Early Literacy Center emphasizes the development of emergent literacy across subjects and grade levels. The center's program model follows an extended school year, a co-teaching model at all grade levels, with partnerships with Ibna Sina community Clinics and Fueling Brains to support all learners' needs. For more details on the Ridgemont Early Literacy Center, visit: www.fortbendisd.com/rmeelc Follow the school on Twitter. @RidgemontELC
Based on the impressive academic gains obtained at the Ridgemont ELC, data indicated an expansion of this model would be beneficial within additional school feeder patterns. A needs assessment utilizing various student achievement data points denoted the best fit for the new ELC is within the Marshall High School feeder pattern. Therefore, FBISD is preparing to open a second ELC in Hunters Glen in August 2021. The Hunters Glen Early Literacy Center will serve the Hunters Glen and Glover elementary families. For more information about the Hunters Glen ELC visit: www.fortbendisd.com/hgeelc Follow the school on Twitter @HuntersGlenELC