1Link (Powered by Microsoft My Apps) is a single sign-on platform that allows students, teachers and staff to utilize one username and password to access their digital resources and tools. Single sign-on is an essential tool for productive remote learning. 1Link is web-based and available from the classroom or at home. 1Link may be accessed from either a computer or mobile device. Please follow the directions below to get started.
All actively enrolled FBISD students can access 1Link using their district email (Ex. john.d1@student.fortbendisd.com) and network password. New student enrollees will be granted access upon completion of the enrollment process. Parents must log in to Skyward Family Access to retrieve their student(s) passwords, which can be found in the Parent/Guardian section of Skyward Family Access.
Need more help accessing 1Link?
1Link - MyApps FAQs
Why is 1Link transitioning from ClassLink’s LaunchPad to Microsoft’s My Apps?
The District makes a concerted effort to save money. My Apps is a feature of the Microsoft suite that the District can leverage to perform the same function of single sign-on while saving money.
Does this mean single sign-on is going away?
No, single sign-on will still be the main function of 1Link. The only difference is the back-end platform that performs the work.
Will I have to update my 1Link shortcut links?
Possibly. If you linked to the main 1Link webpage, then that link is still valid. If you have the old ClassLink page directly bookmarked or saved, then you will need to update it to reflect the change.
What do I need to do to use the “new” 1Link?
A short video tutorial can be found on the 1Link webpage. In the video, it explains how to update your web browser with a Chrome extension. This is a one-time update per computer. Once this is complete, you should find that the interface works similar to how access worked in the past.
Where are my applications?
Applications will be found under the section titled “My Class.” The system will curate items based on your job role and populate this section with your necessary applications. This is the same process students will use to access their applications.
Will I lose all my work in my saved programs?
No, your access to the programs should remain the same. Any files, projects, or work done in a linked district resources should still be the same when you log-in through 1Link.
What will students need to do to access 1Link?
All users, whether teachers, students, or staff that use 1Link will need to update their browser with the MyApps extension. It is recommended that all first-time users of 1Link view the job aids and video.
Who should I contact if an application I use is not in My Class?
If an application is not showing in your “My Class,” please contact 281-634-1300 or enter a CRM Ticket.