Career & Technical Education
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Program Areas
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
- Business, Marketing & Finance
- Education & Training
- Engineering
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law and Public Services
- Manufacturing
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
- The Grill at Reese
- The Salon at Reese
- The Shop at Reese
- The Early Education Lab at Reese
- Student Opportunities
- College, Career, & Military Readiness
- Public Notification of Non-Discrimination in CTE

Teaching, they say, is the profession that makes all other professions possible. The people who work in Education and Training instill the knowledge and skills everyone from preschoolers to adult learners need to succeed. These caring, capable, and committed professionals help prepare their students for the many rewards and challenges that personal, professional, and civic life brings. If you yearn to learn, feel a calling to teach, or would like to work in a favorite subject area, then Education and Training may be the right career pathway for you.
Student Organizations
Career and Technical Education Student Organizations:
FCCLA members will strengthen skills, forge friendships, and make a positive difference in today’s world through participation in Competitive Events, serving in leadership positions, attending conferences across the nation, networking with youth leaders, and attaining essential college- and career-ready skills.