1. Purpose of Homebound Educational Services: FBISD provides homebound educational services for both general and special education students who are unable to attend school due to medically documented conditions. These services help eligible students continue their education while dealing with medical issues.

    2. Eligibility: To be eligible for homebound services, a licensed medical doctor's recommendation is required, in addition to approval from either the Section 504 Committee or the Admissions, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee. Certification includes documentation of a student's inability to attend school for at least four consecutive weeks or a chronic recurring condition resulting in probable absences totaling at least four or more weeks during the school year due to a medical condition.

    3. Requesting Homebound Services: To request homebound services, parents or guardians should contact their campus ARD Facilitator or 504 Coordinator to obtain the necessary forms. Two forms need to be completed: the FBISD Parent Information Form and the FBISD Medical Release Form. Once completed, these forms should be submitted to the campus ARD Facilitator or 504 Coordinator. The campus will then forward the forms to the district for physician contact and processing. The campus will contact the parent or guardian regarding the next steps in the process.

    4. Contact Information: For more information about homebound services, individuals can contact Deena Hill, Executive Director, Student Support Services, 281-634-1143 or Deena.Hill@Fortbendisd.gov or email FBISD.Homebound@fortbendisd.com. 
