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Forty-nine FBISD students named 2025 All-State Musicians in band, choir, orchestra
Fort Bend ISD (January 14, 2025) – Forty-nine Fort Bend ISD students were named 2025 All-State Musicians in band, choir and orchestra, the highest honor given to student musicians in the state of Texas.
Two band students from Crawford High School were selected from the district’s newest secondary campus which opened last school year. Additionally, Crawford High School and Willowridge High School each celebrated their first-ever All-State choir students.
These talented musicians were chosen out of more than 70,000 students who initially auditioned and only the top 2.6 percent of musicians who initially audition become All-State musicians.
FBISD students will join their peers from across the state to perform in one of 18 ensembles during the annual Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Clinic/Convention in February in San Antonio, Texas,
FBISD students named to the 2025 All-State Musicians lists include:
Austin High School – Michael Sanders
Clements High School – Vitaliy Ashcheulov, Yash Ayar, Ava Cobb, Jonathan Le, Alexander Qiu Crawford High School – Joseph Candler, Christy Chung
Dulles High School – Katherine Hwang
Elkins High School – Matthew Riggan
Kempner High School – Angelica Lopez, Tariq Zaman
Travis High School – Amantio Racelis
These students are supported by the following educators: Adrian Caswell, Jay Lopez and Lee Willis (Austin High School); Jeff Johnson, Leslie Flynn, Bryan Waites and Kyle Emiliani (Clements High School); Jason Finnels and Scott Aldridge (Crawford High School); Arnel Dayrit, Spencer Clayton and Zachary Gutierrez (Dulles High School); Joseph Chen, William Phi and Christopher Dial (Elkins High School); Paul Brodt, Steven Dratler and Cameron Robillard (Kempner High School); and Kyle Baragas, Zachary Reynolds, Danielle Jaundoo and Garrett Tagliabue (Travis High School).
Bush High School – Angel Rodriguez
Clements High School – Sarah Gentle, Angelina Smith, Kallin Wheatley
Crawford High School – Jenova Tran
Elkins High School – Zynah Basaria, Devyani Dayal, Davide Gucciardi, Zofia Harrell, Jai Joshi, Salima Muhammad, Brett Rosner, Emma Szeto
Ridge Point High School – Meghan Davis
Willowridge High School – Heaven Abu
These students are supported by the following educators: Marina Monsivais (Bush High School); Jade Blakey and Justin Shen (Clements High School); Jared Dees (Crawford High School); John Richardson and Zoey Simonson (Elkins High School); Chelsea Berner and Stewart Gaitan-Garcia (Ridge Point High School); and Warren Holmon (Willowridge High School).
Austin High School – Kevin Chen, Dezhou Gao, Andrew Nan, Reagan Panjaitan, Felicity Sun
Clements High School – Hannah Guo, Aeris Jones, Amanda Li, Guanfa (Felix) Shen, Julie Song, Henry Xu, Julia Xu, Sophie Xu, Andy Zhou, Lorena Zou
Dulles High School – Oluseun Ayadi, Joshua Cheng, Gavin LaPointe, Liv Yang
Elkins High School – Lawrence Feng, Laurence Moung
These students are supported by the following educators: Matthew Madonia and Judy Chung (Austin High School); Neal Springer and Sally Kirk (Clements High School); Michael Isadore and Peter Pomajevich (Dulles High School); Joe Garcia (Elkins High School); and district harp specialists Margaret Davis and Stephanie Gustafson Amfahr.
The TMEA sponsors the annual Texas All-State Competition. The competitive process begins throughout the state in auditions hosted by 33 TMEA regions. Individual musicians perform selected music for a panel of judges who rank each instrument or voice part.
From this ranking, a select group of musicians advance to compete against musicians from other areas in eight TMEA area competitions.
The highest-ranking musicians judged at the TMEA area competitions qualify to perform in a TMEA All-State music group.
For more information, visit www.tmea.org/convention.
About TMEA
Founded in 1920, the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) supports music education for all Texas students. With over 20,400 members, including 14,100 school music educators, TMEA advocates for fine arts instruction and offers professional development through online courses and its annual Clinic/Convention. The association also provides scholarships and programs for high school and college students pursuing careers in music education.
Go to www.tmea.org/convention for more information about this event.
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