Phone: 281-634-7537


Degrees and Certifications:

Wenli Zhu

My name is Wenli Zhu, a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese. After getting a Bachelor's Degree at Yunnan Normal University, I worked as an English teacher at Yunnan Police Officers Academy for five years. In 2005, I went to UT at Austin to study for a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology, then taught Mandarin to high school students in Dallas, Texas, and Boston, Massechusettes. This is my 10th year with Fortbend ISD. I really enjoyed the school climate and I am very glad to see students grow and make progress over the years. 

My philosophy of teaching a language is that I believe words, sentence patterns are just like the flesh of the body, the culture itself is the skeleton. Without the support of the skeleton, a person cannot stand up, let alone walking confidently. Further, to learn a language is not to learn the language itself, but to learn how to use it in meaningful surroundings. Therefore, there will be a lot of activities and students practice in class. 

Thank you for your interest in Mandarin Chinese. Let's work as a triangle-kids, parents, and teacher and help each other grow. 

  • Period 1: 7:30am-8:20am     Chinese I
    Period 2: 8:25am-9:15am     Chinese NSP & AAC III
    Period 3: 9:20am-10:10am   Conference
    Period 4: 10:15am-11:20am  Chinese II
    Period 5: 11:55am-1:00pm    Chinese II (A lunch)
    Period 6: 1:05pm-1:55pm      Chinese AAC III
    Period 7: 2:00pm- 2:50pm     Chinese AP IV
    Tuesday   3:00pm-3:40pm   
    Thursday 3:00pm-3:40pm
    Other Tutorials: by appointment