Course Description
Chinese III forms the intermediate level of what constitutes a four-term foundation in Mandarin. The foundation (Chinese I through IV) covers the core grammar of the language; it develops a sensitivity to linguistically appropriate behavior; it introduces extensive vocabulary and usage as a basis for conversational development; and it provides a step-by-step guide to the principles and practice of reading and writing Chinese characters.
In Chinese III, students will complete the basic grammatical survey of the language begun in the first year courses and consolidate and improve conversational skills; in reading, there will be a transition from the short texts of the sort encountered in Chinese I and II to stories adapted from traditional Chinese tales.
Last but not least, Chinese III is also designed to help students to take AP Chinese Exam in the future. Students will be introduced many aspects of Chinese culture, compare them with her/his first language and come up with her/his own understanding and perspective.
By the end of the school year, you will be able to have a profound discussion with your friend in Chinese around these topics:
.School Starts .Dormitory .At the Restaurant .Course selection .Boyfriend & Girlfriend
.Internet .Part-time Job .Shopping .Education .Chinese Geography