• Welcome to another exciting year at Elkins High School's National Art Honor Society! Here, students will learn valuable skills in art. We do various events over the school year, such as mural painting, the Memory Project, creating art for school events, and much more! In addition, students will be able to earn a chance to get their Letterman jackets and seniors will be able to get chords (information posted under "Rules and Regulations"). We hope to see new and returning members this school year!

    National Art Honor Society website: https://www.honorsociety.org/national-art-honor-society


    • Meetings are every Tuesday in Mr. Morales's room, 533
    • Dues are $30, include the annual t-shirt, and must be paid in Revtrak by October 15

    NAHS Bylaws

    1. Please be courteous to all members, including the officers and teachers. 

    2. NAHS members are required to come to at least 8 meetings (or painting/events) within a semester. Members who do not reach this requirement will be taken off the members list. If you have problems with coming to meetings, please consult an officer. 

    3. Members must have paid their dues and maintain their points to be an official member of NAHS. (Otherwise, you are just a member of the Art Club.)

    4. All members must have taken an art class at Elkins. Members who are currently in an art class must maintain at least a B average. 

    5. Have fun! Don't be afraid to get creative! Mistakes are part of the creative process!

    • 100-point requirement for the school year

    • Attending meetings = 1 point (+1 bonus point for wearing NAHS t-shirt)

    • Participating in work days = 5+ points (depends on project)

    1. Letterman jackets can be earned by senior members after 200 points are earned by a member. Points can be accumulated from past years. 

    2. Senior chords are earned after 100 points are earned during the member's senior year. Points earned in past years do not apply to senior chords.

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Contact Us

  • National Art Honor Society Sponsor
    Ryan Morales
    Jeanne Melton
    2024-2025 Officers
    President: Joy Park
    Vice President: Hallie Ho
    Co-Secretaries: Ximin Liang & Jennifer Zhou
    Historian: Ellen Li
    Shadow Officers: Rinan Ahmed & Azmay Khan