Phone: 281-329-2081


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. History- University of Houston- Clear Lake -Minor- Secondary Education M.A. History- University of Houston- Clear Lake

Mrs. Justine Dominy

Hello Knights! My name is Justine Dominy. This will be my sixth year at Elkins High School. I have a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in Secondary Education and a Master of Arts in History from the University of Houston - Clear Lake. I teach Dual Credit US History (DCUSH) and AP US History (APUSH). I am the Head Cheer Coach, and have been a proud coach at Elkins since I started in 2019. I am also the sponsor of Elkins KNIGHTS KREW, the student spirit organization and fan section, as well as the Elkins Fashion Club.  I look forward to this year and to many more years of teaching the amazing kids at Elkins. It's a great day to be a Knight!


    1. Dual Credit US History

    2. Dual Credit US History 

    3. Dual Credit US History

    4. Dual Credit US History

    5. Conference

    6. APUSH

    7. Cheer


    Wednesday afternoon 2:50-3:50

    Before school by appointment.


    Parent conference appointments can be scheduled any day before or after school by call or email.

    NUMBER: 281-329-2081

    Canvas: HCC CANVAS


    1 link: