• "Join more than 199,000 middle and high school members from 4,944 chapters across 46 states, the District of Columbia, the American Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. FCCLA's Ultimate Leadership Experience equips members with real-world skills through Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education by preparing members for careers through its four Career Pathways: Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism, Education and Training, and Visual Arts and Design.

    FCCLA members will strengthen skills, forge friendships, and make a positive difference in today’s world through participation in Competitive Events, serving in leadership positions, attending conferences across the nation, networking with youth leaders, and attaining essential college- and career-ready skills." -FCCLA website

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Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Stephanie Rodriguez

Advisor- Mrs. Rodriguez


President- Helen Robin

Vice President- Jennifer Zavala



Degrees and Certifications: