Purchasing a Clements HS student parking permit:
For availability/to purchase a parking permit, see Ms. Hays in the Attendance Office.
Parking Frequently Asked Questions:
What if I get a new car?
Make sure you get your sticker off of your old car and bring it to Ms. Hays. There is a $5 replacement fee IF you have your old sticker (payable in cash/check). If you fail to bring in your old sticker, the fee to replace your parking sticker is $40.
What if parking sells out?
When parking sells out, a waiting list will be available with Ms. Hays in the attendance office.
When will I pick up my parking permit?
You will need to bring the following to Clements to obtain your permit:
1. Student's valid Texas driver's license
2. Current insurance listing either the student or the student's vehicle as insuredDoes a modified schedule, permissive transfer, involvement in certain clubs, or being an athlete guarantee me a parking pass?
No. You must successfully secure a parking pass when they go on sale in order to drive to school, regardless of circumstances.
Parking Rules Page 24-25 UPDATE:
Clements High School
Parking Rules and RegulationsAll student vehicles parked on school property are required to have a current CHS parking permit attached to the windshield on the passenger side. Vehicles in violation are subject to being booted, ticketed, or towed. The cost for a parking permit is $40.00. Students must have a valid Texas Driver's License and proof of insurance in order to purchase a permit.
Violations of the following parking rules will subject you to disciplinary action, parking citations, and/or loss of your parking permit for the current school year and the following next year.
1. Permit must be clearly visible and permanently attached to the bottom right (passenger) side of the front windshield.
2. Students may not obtain a permit for another student.
3. Parking permits are not transferable. No sharing of permits is allowed.
4. Parking is only permitted in the area designated by the permit.
5. If the registered vehicle is involved in an accident, stolen, or sold, a replacement permit must be purchased, and a new application must be filled out. If the old permit is returned in identifiable condition, the replacement cost is $5.00. If the old permit is not returned or is unidentifiable, the replacement cost is $40.00.
6. If, for any reason, you drive a vehicle other than the one registered, you must inform Mrs. Hays or Mr. Sweeney in the attendance office of the change upon your arrival at school to receive a temporary permit.
7. Students must get out of their vehicle and enter school upon arrival. Loitering in or around any vehicle is not permitted.
8. The parking lot speed limit is 15 mph. Students must obey all traffic signs and directions from the parking attendant and FBISD Police.
9. Students may not leave campus during the normal school day without permission from the proper authority (assistant principal, school nurse, or attendance office). This rule applies to passengers as well as drivers.
10. If your driving behaviors cause a discipline problem, you will automatically forfeit the privilege to drive your vehicle to school.
11. Violations of parking rules will result in a $40 school citation. If this fine is not paid, the student will lose all parking privileges and be placed on the NOT CLEAR list. Unpaid fines may also result in the car being booted and a $30 fee (increases per incident) charged to remove the boot, or the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense.
12. If any school or law enforcement official has reason to believe that a vehicle may contain any element of criminal activity, the student will be asked to consent to a search of the vehicle. Failure to comply will result in immediate suspension of the student’s parking privileges.
13. No refunds will be issued if a permit is taken away for any reason.