Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-2150
Degrees and Certifications:
M.S. Information Systems, Northeastern University M.S. Mathematics, Northeastern University B.S. Mathematics and Physics
Mrs. Lubna Lorena
Welcome to Computer Science !
I started teaching in 1995 at Olle Middle School.I started teaching at Clments in 2003. I teach AP Computer Science A, Computer Science 3 and Computer Science Independent Study courses.
I sponsor the Computer Science and Clements Girls in Computing clubs. I am a UIL academics co-coach for Computer Science. Clements UIL Computer Science team has won 10 State championships. Our teams have placed in HP Code Wars and have been the Global champions of Lockheed Martin Code Quest multiple times. Clements Computer Science students volunteer at elementary and middle school coding clubs to inspire students to pursue Stem/Computer Science education. The clubs host an annual programming competition in fall and a hackathon in the Spring semester.
40 girls received the NCWIT (National Center for Women and Information Technology) Aspirations National awards in 2024.
I am looking forward to another exciting year teaching and working with our students.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: AP ComputerScience APeriod 2: CS Independent StudyPeriod 3: AP ComputerScience APeriod 4: CS Independent StudyPeriod 5: AP Computer Science APeriod 6: Computer Science 3Period 7: Conference
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tuesday 6:55 - 7:25Thursday 6:55 - 7:25