

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Chase Hodgeson

Chase Hodgeson is excited to be one of the directors of Clements High School Theatre. Chase studied Theatre at Texas State University and Majored in Film Studies at UHD. Chase also has a background in film, radio, and stage. In high school, Chase was deeply involved in Katy High School Theatre. Before becoming a teacher, Chase was a member of the ComedySportz Houston improv team, Houston’s longest-running live show, where he was an improviser and High School League instructor. Chase toured with children’s theatre companies before becoming the owner and director of Drama Kids of North Fort Bend, teaching after-school drama classes.



  • Period 1: Theatre I

    Period 2: Theatre I

    Period 3: Theatre I

    Period 4: Conference

    Period 5: Auditorium Management

    C Lunch

    Period 6: Tech Theatre

    Period 7: Production

    Tutorials-Before school, C Lunch and by appointment.