Clements Badminton Club

  • Clements Badminton Club exists to promote awareness of the sport, and the cultural influences it entails. We seek not to only emphasize the positive values promoted by the sport but also to improve the skill level of our members with diligence and persistence.
    We meet every Friday after school in the Commons from 2:45 - 4:00 PM. On some days when the Commons is reserved and booked for other events, we may play in the Boys/Girls Gym.
    Bring your racket and join us for a fun-filled time. No skill is needed to be a member of the Clements Badminton Club. We hope that through the friendship built with club members you will improve your skill level or earn one. 
    2024-2025 CLUB OFFICERS:
    • President: Manuel Alleluia-
    • Vice President: Dylan Ting
    • Secretary: Blake Wang
    • Treasurer: Isaiah Alleluia 
    • Historian: Sophia Li
    • Equipment Manager: Allen Sun

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