Gap Year
"Gap time" is a year or semester that students take off typically before enrolling in college. It doesn’t have to be time hanging out at home -- "gappers" often work to save money, volunteer, intern, or perhaps study a language abroad.
Most students elect this time off because they don't feel prepared for college or they're looking for more life experience first. According to Jason Sarouhan, a counselor at Center for Interim Programs, a gap year consulting organization, gap years enable young people to gain more independence and self-empowerment. "The time between high school and college offers the natural opportunity to take a break and to recalibrate one’s focus and centeredness," he says, adding that young people can benefit from structured time away from school or work.
Ideally, the best way to arrange a gap year is to gain admissions to college and then request to deferre that admissions for a year.
During your "Gap year”, you may decide to...
1. Volunteer
- Serve with AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps is an opportunity for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to give time and talent to strengthen communities
2. Intern
3. Travel / Study Abroad
4. 5th year of high school