Future Farmers of America

  • FFA Emblem

    The FFA promotes Premier Leadership, Personal Growth and Career Success, as well as agriculture education. If you eat every day, then you are involved in agriculture and play a major role in it.

    FFA Meetings are second Tuesday of every month and the schedule follows:
    September 10th - FFA Kick Off Meeting in H101 at 6pm
    October 8th - FFA Meeting in H101 at 6pm
    November 12th - FFA Meeting in H101 at 6pm
    December 10th - FFA Meeting in H101 at 6pm
    FFA Activities 
    November 11th - District LDE at Travis High School at 8am


    Students must be enrolled in at least one agriculture class throughout the year to participate with the FFA. An Ag facility is available for those students who would like to raise an animal. It is not required for a student to raise an animal to be in the FFA.

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