Phone: (281)-327-5910


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in History Minor Secondary Education -Social Studies 7-12

Mr. Voradakis

My name is James Voradakis and this is my ninth year at Dulles High School! I am a FBISD product! I am a Kempner and Sam Houston State graduate. I am also the head baseball coach and will be teaching on-level Psychology/Sociology for this year. It is a privilege to teach and coach at DHS and I am very thankful to be here!


All information for my class can be found on my Schoology page.


Class phone: (281)-327-5910

(Best reached via email -

  • Period 1: Psych/Soc
    Period 2: Psych/Soc
    Period 3: Psych/Soc
    Period 4: Psych/Soc
    Period 5: Athletics: Baseball
    Period 6: Conference
    Period 7: Athletics: Baseball
  • Tutorial 1: Monday 6:50-7:20 AM
    Tutorial 2: Friday 6:50-7:20 AM