Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-6228


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Art History, Master of Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Literature, Language Arts 8-12, Social Studies 8-12

Mrs. Cornor

Janeen Powell Cornor has been teaching English since 2007. She has been at Dulles since 2012. She received her Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Willamette University and graduated with a Master’s of Liberal Arts from Houston Baptist University May of 2015. Mrs. Cornor also serves as the English Department Chair.  

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: AP Seminar
    Period 2:AP Seminar
    Period 3: AP Seminar
    Period 4: Dual Credit
    Period 5:Conference 
    Period 6: Dual Credit
    Period 7: Dual Credit 

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorial 1: Tuesday 2:45-3:15
    Tutorial 2: Thursday 2:45-3:15
    Tutorial 3:by appointment
    Tutorial 4: