
    Precautions taken due to COVID-19:

    • ALL students must wear a mask.
    • Student temperature will be taken before they enter the building
    • Parents will not be allowed in the building. Q & A sheet will be provided at drop off.

    What is Credit By Exam No Prior Instruction?

    Credit by Exam/Exam for Acceleration provides an opportunity to earn grade level or course credit in which no prior formal instruction was completed.  Credit by Exam is designed for a small percentage of students who have an academic and emotional need to advance to the next grade level.  Credit by Exam is not designed for grade level recovery after being retained in a previous grade level.

    What are the eligibility requirements for a student to register for Credit By Exam?

    Students must meet all eligibility requirements to register for CBE testing:

    1. Student is enrolled in a FBISD school.
    2. Registration form is completed and returned to school counselor by deadline.
    3. School counselor must sign registration form to verify student’s grade level and eligibility.
    4. World Languages can test out of multiple levels.  The levels MUST be identified prior to exam.

    What are the dates for Credit By Exam?

    Fort Bend ISD offers four testing opportunities throughout the year.  The Session 1 exam will be administered the first two Saturdays in December; Session 2 exam will be administered in February and March; Session 3 will be administered in April, May, and June; and Session 4 exam will be administered in June, July and August.  Test dates can be found on the Credit by Exam page of the Department of Assessment webpage, at http://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/296.

    What is the testing site location and address?

    Testing locations may change, depending on the availability of campuses.  Testing locations will be included on the information brochure, which can be obtained in the counselor’s office.  Testing locations will also be identified on the Credit by Exam registration form and on the Credit by Exam page of the Department of Assessment website at http://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/296

    What time should my student arrive at the testing location?

    All students must arrive at the testing location by 8:00 a.m.  The maximum amount of time allowed for each exam is 3 hours. For core high school courses, times allowed is 3 hours for A & 3 hours for B. World Languages are untimed.


  • How can my child study or prepare for the CBE exams?

    World Language CBEs are offered beginning in 8th grade. CBEs for World Language are developed by Avant Assessment.  Available languages as well as practice tests can be found at:


    When will we receive the CBE results?

    With the exception of some exams that must be hand scored by UT, most scores will be mailed to the parents within fourteen business days from the testing date.

    What will happen if the results are not received before the first day of school?

    The Credit by Exam schedule is designed with the intention that parents and campuses will receive the CBE results before the start of the school year.  However, if the CBE results are not received by the first day of school, the student will begin the school year in the current enrolled grade level.  If the student does meet the criteria to advance to the next course or grade level, the student will be moved to the new course or grade level, once the CBE results are received. 

    How many times can my child test for CBE?

    A student is allowed one attempt at the grade level, or course exam.