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What will I be able to do in ASL 3
According to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for language other than English or TEKS, students in ASL Level II proficiency levels, as defined by ACTFL and ASLTA, are as follows:
- interpersonal receptive: intermediate mid
- interpersonal expressive: advanced low
- interpretive receptive: intermediate low
- presentational expressive: advanced low
Students in ASL Level III expand their ability to perform novice tasks and develop their ability to perform the tasks of the intermediate language learner.
The intermediate language learner, when dealing with everyday topics, should understand ASL phrases receptively and respond expressively with learned material; sign learned words, concepts, phrases, and sentences; apply acquired knowledge of Deaf cultural norms to the development of communication skills; and apply knowledge of the components of ASL to increase accuracy of expression. Students use expressive and receptive skills for comprehension.
The FBISD ASL 1 Curriculum is comprised of five units of up
to three concepts each:
Unit 1 – Dealing with Difficulties
- Concept #1: Complaints/Illnesses
- Concept #2: Talking About Actions and Events
Unit 2 – Around the House
- Concept #1: Household Descriptors
- Concept #2: Size & Shape Descriptors
Unit 3 – Careers
- Concept #1: In the Workplace
- Concept #2: Expressing and Supporting Opinions
- Concept #3: The Impact of the ADA
Unit 4 – Storytelling
- Concept #1: Storytelling
Unit 5 – Change
- Concept #1: Change in Language
- Concept #2: Change in Society
Unit 6 – The World Around You
- Concept #1: Signs Around the World
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ASL 3 / Dual Credit Teacher:
Interpersonal: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
Presentational: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers
Interpretive: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.