Phone: 281.329.2292
Degrees and Certifications:
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Arts, Sam Houston State University - Mass Communications Alternative Certification - Texas Teachers of Tomorrow 2021 Cohort Certifications: English 6-12, ESL, Journalism 6-12
Ms. Meredith Mohr
Dear RPHS Parents and Students!
My name is Meredith Mohr. I joined Ridge Point for the 2024-2025 school year and I teach English 3 courses. I am looking forward to getting to know you all this year! I previously taught English and Journalism at Stafford High School, and have a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication as well.
Prior to teaching, a love of journalism took me on all kinds of adventures as a reporter and writer for a decade. In 2021, I combined my passions for reading and writing with a love of mentorship and joined the world of education, first as a substitute in FBISD! It is an honor and a joy to spend my days with students who often teach me more than I teach them!
When I am not in the classroom, I enjoy spending time with my family, yoga, baking, traveling, and long walks with my 8 year old rescue farm dog ... and, of course, reading for fun. Check in with me this year to see if I have reached my 50 book goal!
It’s my joy to foster curiosity, lifelong learning and thoughtful discourse in my classroom, and cultivate a deep love of reading and writing that will serve students well for the rest of their lives. I’m looking forward to a great year and am excited to meet you in person!
Please feel free to email me with any comments or concerns! Go Panthers!
Meredith Mohr
room: TE55A
1st period - English 3
2nd period - conference
3rd period - English 3
4th period - English 3
5th period - English 3
6th period - English 3
7th period - English 3
Available after school:
Monday - 3-3:30
Tuesday - by request/appointment only
Wednesay - 3-3:30
Thursday - no tutorials
Friday - no tutorials
I do request that students talk to me during class about wanting to attend tutorials ahead of the day they would like to come, and what I can help them with. I will have them sign up for a day/time that I can expect them to be there, and then I will have them sign in and out when they are here. I am happy to help with whatever students need!